Nine Simple and Attractive Secrets for Summer

When you feel good inside, it shows and you shine and everyone sees it.

Here are some sexy secrets to give your outer self an inner glow. Incorporate these simple sexy secrets and your body will feel good, your energy vibration will increase, and you will be radiant with confidence and sex appeal.

9. Before anything else enters your body in the morning, have a glass of water! No apologies! Keep it next to your bed as the first thing if necessary. It helps the body release the toxins that it was trying to eliminate while sleeping. It also helps awaken your body and organs and prepares and energizes them for your day. Bonus: add lemon to help alkalize your body.

8. Get more Zzzzz’s! Lack of sleep increases cortisol levels (and is related to belly fat). Relax before hitting the sheets with a bath, stretching, hot tea, reading. Put down your phone and turn off the computer at least an hour before bed! You’ll feel more rested and wake up to a healthy glow (and no bags under your eyes)!

7. Get your inner energy flowing. Move your body! Find exercise that is fun. Take a walk during your lunch break, take Zumba with a friend, bounce on a trampoline (it gets your blood flowing!), Stretch while watching the tube, dance in your kitchen to hear a song or three!

6. Go green! Vegetables, that is. Vegetables like kale and mixed salad greens (the darker, the more good) help your blood circulate and naturally detoxify your organs. Vegetables are packed with vitamins, minerals, and other goodies that help regulate blood sugar, fight disease, and can prevent cancer. Give your body the right tools and it will do what it knows how to do naturally.

5. Stay still. In stillness you connect with inner peace. It is not outside of you, it is within. In this day and age, we are constantly bombarded with technology: email, text messages, Facebook, TV. It’s no wonder we feel stressed, distracted, and overwhelmed. Take time each day to be consciously and deliberately still. Connect with your heart, listen to your breath, feel grounded.

4. Breathe! Breathing occurs naturally, but people also often hold their breath. Holding your breath will put your body into stress mode. Take a deep breath (take it now) through your nose into your abdomen. Allow your belly to expand, feel your lungs expand, and gently release. Feel your body relax too!

3. Ladies, remove your makeup every night! Your skin is the largest organ in your body. At night, your body detoxifies, and by removing your makeup, you give your skin an optimal opportunity to rejuvenate itself (glow and look great too!).

3rd. Men, get clean! Trim hair where it shouldn’t be. Keep facial hair trimmed. Cut your nails (don’t bite them). Clean your ears! Women turn off and get distracted when nose hairs look at them or facial hair hurts while kissing.

2. Adopt a positive mental attitude. Eliminate negative talk, gossip, complaints. Do this for 21 days in a row. Slip? Okay, start over. You create your reality with what you speak and think. Watch life change when you focus more on the positive!

1. Speak well to yourself. What you feel for yourself is an energy. The people around you feel that energy. No matter what facade you put on, it is the energy that people capture. Radical self-love is talking to yourself as you would your best friend.

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