What Is An Example Of Self Discovery?

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Example Of Self Discovery

A lot of people seem to think that there is only one example of self discovery, but I’m here to tell you that is not true. Self discovery can occur at anytime throughout your life. You might have heard the expression, “It’s all about what you continue to focus on with the same energy that you put into it.”


What is self discovery? It is the act of becoming aware of our innermost self and understanding our true self. This process is sometimes subtle, so if you are motivated to learn more about this subject I suggest you do some research online. One way you can accomplish this is to go online and search for articles like this one and read them. There are also books written about this subject that you can purchase.

When I was a child my mother would get me to ask her what I did wrong, or rather, what I did not do right. This is called self evaluation. This is a vital part of self discovery because you are being brutally honest with yourself about what really matters to you. If you are able to honestly evaluate your self then it is easy to become selfless. When you are selfless you give of yourself to others because you care about them.

What Is An Example Of Self Discovery?

So what is an example of self discovery in action? When I was in the early stages of my life I would constantly compare myself to other people. Every time I did this I felt a sense of pride because I was convinced that I was better than everyone else. As a result of comparing myself to others I developed a deep sense of pride in myself. In short I wanted to be all that I could be. As a result of this I started to seek self growth and discovered that I didn’t know who I really was, so I needed to find out who I wanted to be.

This is also the same in most of our lives. We create a false image of ourselves by what we see and hear about ourselves. A perfect example of this is what I call “modeling”. When I say “model” I mean to emulate the way that you act. For example if you see an attractive girl then you will be attracted to her because of her beauty and you will act in a similar manner to attract her attention.

Here’s another example of self growth. If you go up to a person and tell them that they are very attractive then they will automatically start to admire you and be drawn to you. You don’t need to say anything; just simply make the mental connection with them. Once you have made this connection and they start to admire and look at you with more interest then you are already self development.

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