Year: 2023

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Don’t lose your voice!

In recent years, I have noticed that people no longer talk to each other. Texting, tweeting, and post

Improve your jockey skills with virtual horse games in 3D graphics

On April 14, 2010, the horse racing industry was in an uproar over the untimely death of Derby winner

Introduction to England 101

As a writer, piles of scribbled notes, papers, file folders, and edited manuscripts seem to accumulat

Benchmarking Mistakes: The Poisonous ‘Apples to Apples’

Senior executives and managers in other industries know that it is not only acceptable, but necessary

Do you feel cursed? Part 2: Protection against “curses” and the common “evil eye”

After any cleansing ritual, it is always best to follow up with some form of protective action. My la

Cure Separation Anxiety In Your Dog – Help for Senior Dog Owners

People who adopt rescue dogs rarely know the history of the dog. Was he completely abandoned? Has it

The natural and limited resources of the earth

Land is a limited resource. It is the layer of our planet ‘earth’. The resource has alway

Purpose of induction

It is the process of bringing/introducing/familiarizing a new recruit in the organization. This progr

First base is the hardest to reach on the American League All Star ballot

Who are these guys? Never before in my forty years of voting for starters in the All-Star Game had I

5 Reasons Why People Prefer Serviced Apartments Over Hotels

Temporary residences, such as serviced apartments and furnished suites, are specifically designed to