Category: Legal Law

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Why is my personal injury case taking SO LONG?

TIME FACTORS OF THE PERSONAL INJURY CASE Your personal injury lawyer should fully explain why your ca

6 Reasons Why You Should Outsource Mobile App Development

I think it goes without saying, and I think we don’t really need a poll to back it up, that use

You are making your wedding list and checking it twice. What have you forgotten?

Getting ready for a wedding, big or small, is overwhelming! One way to combat that feeling is to brea

Three Ways a Business Lawyer Can Help Your Company Succeed

Starting a company can be daunting, especially considering all the complexities surrounding taxes, in

Dangers of Going to Court Alone When Charged with CDV in South Carolina

I am often contacted by potential clients who made the mistake of going to court alone and without co

Google sets the standard for a happy work environment

Google is the place to work according to Fortune magazine, which listed the top 50 companies to work

Story of street cops, gang guns and snipers Cabrini Green Housing

Story of Street Cops, Gang Guns and Snipers Cabrini Green Housing, by Greg Zito Greg Zito, the author

Improve the bottom line: this is how to capture the value of intellectual property

In too many cases, a company does not know that certain assets are intellectual property or does not

What to Look for in a Memphis Criminal Defense Lawyer

If you have been arrested or received a citation for a misdemeanor in Memphis, Tennessee, one of the

The divine purpose of money for the spiritual entrepreneur

Money is not bad and neither is having enough of it. Sure there are some evil people in the world wit