Category: Sports

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February Forecast – Uranus-style Astrology

February 15, Mars is 22 1/2 from Neptune. The Sun is still close enough Monday to help keep subversiv

Good truth or dare questions

Truth or Dare is primarily a party game played by teens and adults. So in this article find the truth

The benefits of the school all year

Over the past decade, many state departments of education are seriously trying to reform education an

42 – A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Sci-Fi’s Favorite Number – Tribute to the Late Douglas Adams

When Rafa Nadall beat Roger Federer last July in the longest final in Wimbledon history, he became th

Why do so many models support social causes and why should you too?

Many fashion brands such as Good Society and Vaalbara are also following this trend. In this article,

How do you spend your Sundays?

Remember when Sundays were sacrosanct, all about church and family? No shops were opened, so people u

AFC South off-season changes

Indianapolis Colts: The Colts are another team with too many wide receivers and most of them can star

Large sound bites create persuasive messages

Snippets of sound are ubiquitous. We hear them daily on television, radio, the Internet. But what mov

NHL Division Positions Analysis 2017-2018

Of the four NHL divisions, we took a look at where all the teams stand and how they stack up to where

College football cards: introduction, payouts, and earnings

Every week of the college football season, I make at least one college football parlay bet. There is