Category: Technology

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How to sell digital books at physical events

Digital books are a great way to quickly get your content into the hands of millions of readers. But

The $ 4 trillion dollar idea that is debt free and pays all Americans to join!

On average, the US economy is growing at a rate of $ 4 trillion annually. That translates to roughly

4 branding tips on using Instagram for your business

How to Create a Powerful Social Media Marketing Strategy on Instagram One of the most powerful market

15 amazing things you can do with Google Home

Virtual assistants like Amazon’s Alexa are becoming more and more integrated into our daily liv

How to get traffic and links to your blog

If you are looking to get people to advertise on your blog or looking to be respected by other people

The meaning of the spider tattoo

For most of the past documented centuries, humans have etched tattoos on their bodies for a raid for

Conflicting Value Systems: The Paradox at the Heart of the American Dream

In the United States we pride ourselves on being a society that is capable of assimilating and includ

The locksmith trade: the good, the ugly and the bad

Thinking of becoming a locksmith? Many people ask me about my profession when I arrive at a workplace

Tech news for March 2014 plus a look at the history of March over 5 years

A little history of March in previous years … Five years ago, in March 2009 Google was in the n

Simcity: will you build the ideal city?

Start with an underdeveloped city (you name it yourself) and turn it into a metropolis. Or take on th