8 Newsletter Tweaks for Better Results

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Newsletters are still great ways to engage your list subscribers, bring them back to your blog, cross-promote on social media, and much more. But, if you’re not getting good results from your newsletters, here are some tweaks to consider.

1. Use the correct “From” name

When you send a newsletter (or any email to your list), don’t use a “no reply” email address or generic name. You want them to know that this is yours and something they want to open. You’ll get more opens and more engagement when you use your name in the email than if you use a generic name or even your company name.

2. Determine the basis of the format

Take a test to determine if your audience responds better to HTML or text-based newsletters. It would be a shame to spend a lot of time creating a wonderful template for your newsletter only to discover that the majority of your audience prefers text-based emails. You can also give your audience the option when signing up depending on your email autoresponder platform.

3. Craft an appropriate title

Your newsletter should have a title that is something the same every time so they know it’s your newsletter. Give your newsletter an appropriate name and use it in your title with personalization and the date if you have enough space.

4. Create voluminous content

When people read content online (whether by email, phone, or computer), they don’t read it from left to right like they do on paper. They often scan the message and look at the main points and headings. If you create voluminous content with appropriate captions that grab attention and point to calls to action, you’ll get more responses.

5. Your list segment

If you have a large list, it’s important to segment it and then send each segment its own specialized newsletter. Often, it can be the same newsletter but with different elements highlighted and placed in front, and a different CTA depending on where it is on the list.

6. Use compelling images

If you choose to send an HTML newsletter, use compelling images that will grab attention and make your audience members want to click. Also, offer them the ability to click through and read the newsletter online on your site and not just via email.

7. Focus on benefits over features

When you mention any product, service, or information that requires a response from your audience, it’s imperative to focus on benefits over features. If you mention a feature, always follow up with the benefits of that feature.

8. Always include a call to action

It’s important to always include a CTA in your email newsletter announcing products, services, and events they can buy or participate in, and why they should.

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