Attract Health – Wealth with a simple manual radionic device

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Simple manual radionics device

The Age of Aquarius has given us several gifts, as well as a new paradigm for healing. Some of the gifts are the Internet, the Science of Radionics and the Laws of Quantum Physics.

The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that we live, move and have our being within an infinite and intelligent ocean of thought energy. It is called the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. Everything that ever was, is, or ever will be exists in the Quantum Ocean. There is no time. There is no past, present or future, only NOW! There’s no space. No length, width or depth. Only the HERE! Therefore, we live in an infinite and timeless point HERE-NOW, called the Mind of God.

The Laws also tell us that EVERYTHING is energy and thoughts are things. What we think we attract into our lives. We can recreate our present reality with our thoughts and intentions. The Science of Radionics is the science of attracting and moving energies over long distances without any physical means. We can draw energy from the quantum ocean into our auras and into our lives.

There are three working principles that make a radionic device work. You need a source of power, a desire, intention or wish in the form of symbols and a goal, where you want the energy to go. It doesn’t matter if it’s a $5000 electronic radionics device or a simple manual radionics device like the one I’m giving you.

They all work on the same principle and I prefer to keep mine simple and inexpensive. You also need a playing field, a matrix, a grid where the energies can do their work.

My simple handheld radionics device uses an equilateral triangle inscribed within a circle and drawn on a piece of cardboard. It also has 3 smaller equilateral triangles at the vertices of the large triangle. My photo is of one that I made out of copper and put wood on it because I use it every day. But a piece of cardboard will work. You can copy mine and use it.

Is that how it works:

Place the fingers of your left hand in the triangle of the left hand. Place your fingers or your right hand on the triangle of the right hand. Place a symbol of your wish or wish in the top triangle. I have over 100 powerful radionic symbols. I’ll send you some that you might find useful, for free.

Now sit back comfortably and relax with your fingers on the triangles.

Take a deep breath through your nose and visualize and feel the Life Force, which surrounds and sustains us, flowing into your nose in golden streams of energy. Powerful visualizations work powerfully. We live and move within an infinite ocean of life force energy called the Quantum Ocean or the Mind of God. It is there for our use.

Now visualize and feel the energy leaving your body through your left hand into the womb. Your left hand is your source of energy.

Do this 3 times and you will have turned on your simple handheld radionics device. Ready to go.

Now look at the symbol you have placed in the upper triangle and take a deep breath through your nose.

Visualize the energies the symbol represents (health, wealth, love, etc.) flowing from the quantum ocean, the Mind of God (which is all around you), into the symbol and into your nose and aura filling every cell of your body .

Do this 3 times too. That’s all for this session. Do it as often as you like. This is simple, cheap and powerful. God created simplicity and man complicated it.

You have used the power of your mind (everything is really mind. The mind of God and your minds as part of the mind of God), to charge your simple handheld radionics device.

He has used the power of his mind to draw Life Force from his surroundings and has charged his device.

You have used the power of your mind to draw the energies you desire from the Quantum Ocean, the Mind of God, through the symbol and into your aura.

The energies you carry in your aura flood every cell in your body.

You will now begin to attract into your life health, wealth, love, or whatever energy of the symbol you have chosen for your physical life.

You can use any set of symbols you want. Runes, astrological, magical, homeopathic, Bach Flowers, etc. or just write one on a piece of paper. It will work!

Never underestimate the simplicity of how the Mind of God works. We are extensions of the Mind of God. Only those who want to keep us under control complicate things, so that we do not understand what they are doing. Come out from among them.

The simple handheld radionics device exists in the Quantum Ocean. it has always existed there like Edison’s light bulb, Marconi’s telephone, and the Wright brothers’ plane.

I simply reached into my mind and brought it out into the physical plane to share it with you.

Start thinking like a God. What one man/woman can do another man/woman can do.

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