Category: Business

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How to value a domain name Or how to value a domain name

The value, price or value of a domain name can range from a couple of dollars to millions of dollars.

16 Most Inspiring Celebrity Flops

In order to be successful in business or in life, I realized that we must continuously take correctiv

The ten best business management applications

Efficiently managing your employees and keeping them focused and on task can be hard work. There are

Can my dizziness be relieved?

On her initial visit to my chiropractic office, a patient asked if I could relieve her dizziness. She

Accelerate your degree and MBA through skills recognition and RPL

Have you ever thought about completing a bachelor’s degree or even an MBA? What is holding you

How closing a credit card account affects your credit score

Remember the excitement surrounding your first credit card? He probably applied for a credit card whe

7 tips for buying replica watches online

There are many reasons why people buy replica watches. Today, you can buy these watches from many sel

The light bulb: past, present and future

Light is something that all humans need to thrive. Take our natural source of light, the sun, or even

The End of the Maya and Noah’s Flood – The Anatomy of a Flood and the Mythological End of Time

The recorded history of the ancient Chinese civilization tells of a global flood that destroyed all c

4 Key Factors Contributing to Leadership Failure

No one sets out to do a poor job as a leader. After all, it probably took you years of hard work and