Category: Health Fitness

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Gluten Free Chocolate Cake Recipe

So I had to find a way to have my cake and bake it too. This is not only a gluten free cake recipe, b

Does Herbalife Protein Powder Build Muscle?

I was recently asked a question about a specific product. The question was: Does Herbalife protein po

Is there anything comparable to a Medifast bar at the grocery store?

I get quite a few variations on this question. People ask me if there are bars that they can buy in t

Kiwicha, the Peruvian energy food to help you lose weight

Forget quinoa, its little cousin from Peru is the newest energy food on the market. Kiwicha, also kno

How to Become a Cosmetic Dentist – Requirements, Education, and Licensing

How to Become a Cosmetic Dentist People who are interested in being a cosmetic dentist often have cos

What is the difference between Medifast oatmeal and regular oatmeal? I’ll tell you

Sometimes I get emails from people looking for alternatives to medifast or wondering what is special

How much protein do you get or eat on the Medifast diet?

In essence, medifast is really a low carb diet. I find that a lot of people are a bit surprised by th

Weight Lifting Nutrition: 5 Ways To Boost Your Post-Workout Shake

You’ve hit the gym hard and need to get your post-workout shake back. As a serious weightlifter

Checklist: Things to Remember When Buying a Protein Supplement

Most of us who exercise to keep our bodies in shape and form use protein supplements. However, it is

Best Protein Bar Ingredients

What are the best ingredients in protein bars when you are looking to replace them with a really bad