Category: Legal Law

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Beginning his career as a malpractice attorney

A malpractice attorney deals with cases of legal misinterpretation, misleading representation, bias,

Inspiring the Millennial Generation

Finding the right candidate for the job is probably one of the hardest things to do, especially now t

Cosmic Relief: Healing Through Mental and Spiritual Law

Can mental and spiritual principles be applied to healing physical conditions, ours or those of our l

The omniscience trap: what it is and how it stops you

Who among us hasn’t fallen into the trap of believing that to be worth our salt as managers, we

Legal checklist for startups

The initial stages of a business can be hectic, and it’s easy to overlook the legal aspects of

Common obstacles when taking aerial shots

The television and film industries often require aerial shots in their projects because this contribu

The top six reasons why your business needs bylaws

Although California does not require a business to have bylaws, here are six reasons why every busine

What is biohazardous waste?

A biohazardous waste is any biological waste potentially dangerous to human or animal health, such as

Perfume, Cologne – What’s the difference?

The “perfume counters” are stocked with a wide selection of perfumes intended to accentua

Where can I buy Medifast locally? I’ll tell you

The other day, I got an email from someone who had searched the phone lists and the internet for a Me