Category: Legal Law

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How to prepare for bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is considered a new beginning for many people. Bankruptcy is mentioned prominently in the

When the invitation never comes: my child is not invited

My daughter Patricia is beginning her first experiences with elementary school and her first experien

Hard Edge Painting: Its Artists, Paintings, and Influences

Hard edge painting refers to a style of oil painting that is related to various movements and is dist

Getting started as a criminal defense attorney: some tips

It is a time marked by both emotion and apprehension. I clearly remember the day I graduated and even

Lawsuit financing: the evolution of prices

Much is said / written about the “costs” associated with obtaining a cash advance against

Mortgage Lenders Undergo Congressional Home Loan Scanner

Will Congress come to the rescue of consumers to initiate a reform of mortgage lenders of home loans?

10 reasons why education law is so important

If you work in a school or other educational establishment, you may already know why education law is

How to Create an Effective Content Marketing Strategy

Are you looking to design and implement a new content marketing strategy? Not sure where to start or

Recognize Marketing Hoax (Fraud?) Before Becoming a Victim

Lately, I have been listening to a certain radio advertisement bombarding the New York subway news st

The 5 Most Influential Law Enforcers in History

Narrowing down the list of famous police leaders to the 5 most influential people in law enforcement