Category: Legal Law

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Bankruptcy history

Bankruptcy is defined as “the inability or impairment of the legally declared ability of an ind

Fast Ivy League Admission Tips

The Ivy League is an athletic union of American educational institutes based in the northeastern Unit

The common denominator in your toxic relationships

I was chatting with a lovely friend of mine yesterday, and the topic moved to hurtful-type relationsh

Choosing a bankruptcy attorney: tips for selecting the best service

Bankruptcy refers to a condition in which one cannot meet his debt obligations. Filing for bankruptcy

A civil attorney can help you overcome problems related to civil law violations

Human and civil rights violations often occur in various parts of the world. The other day I read a n

Better legal billing: win-win customer options

In the old days of legal billing, attorney bills, typically a single page with fancy letterhead, cont

Not All Data Is Created Equal – Understanding Your Data Privacy Obligations In Legal Outsourcing

Legal process outsourcing agreements often involve the management of large volumes of personal inform

Law of attraction: step by step to attract job promotion

The Law of Attraction can be used for several things besides the obvious money, that everyone wants t

Implementation of foreign arbitration awards in UAE

Obtaining an arbitration award is not the end of the road to rectification. Enforcement or recognitio

How Much Compensation For Constructive Dismissal?

Compensation For Constructive Dismissal As you consider how much compensation for constructive dismis