Category: Technology

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How daily horoscopes are made

Most people read horoscopes to find out what the future holds. They feel more empowered to deal with

My new Nintendo 64 laptop

I don’t remember what I was looking for in Google images last summer (something related to the

Apple care!

The most sought after brand in the world, and who wouldn’t want their products? Whether it&#821

SlideShare – The YouTube of PowerPoint

Have you ever heard of Michael Arrington, the founder and co-publisher of TechCrunch,

What does a data science course cover?

In today’s world, “data is the new oil.” As such, everything related is receiving h

Free handheld Wi-Fi analyzer

How do you choose the best Wi-Fi access point out of all the ones your phone tells you are available,

Dare to Dream: An Inspirational Story from Dheeraj Gupta, an MBA turned Vada Pav Salesman

The startup ecosystem in India is booming at a fast pace. PM Narendra Modi’s new Startup India

Are you Primark or Harrods? Price and positioning are your choice

Men, we have many complexes for the money. And many false beliefs, too. I am going to share what is p

5 smart reasons to buy pet supplies from an online store

Pets have the uncanny ability to make your lives enjoyable and lively. Not only do they give uncondit

Manifesting Abundance – Is there a SECRET Code of Cheats to make the Law of Attraction work “Best”?

I haven’t played video games in a long time, but I remember when I was younger, there were cert