Curbing the talented: social pressure on athletes

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The Rio Olympics ended with a lot of wishes contrary to the expectations of the second most populous country in the world. India took two medals and once again proved its consistency by failing to perform at the Olympics.

Seeing the golden bird go without lust in the gaming congregation, the prime minister of India gave his new slogan “the playful child develops” but in the country where the motto says “the playful child would be beaten” it is hardly possible to expect nothing better.

When the geeks are shown behind the pile of books, in ill health and with horn rims, it is shown as the poor section of society symbolizes the ragged and dusty children who focus more on sports than schoolwork.

Sport is always considered a healthy development for children, but when it comes to taking it as a profession, things may not be so favorable for either the family or the society. A person is considered to adopt the sport only because of lack of intellect, poor family background or on the verge of unemployment.

The growing trends for electives show remarkable enrollment in the science and business streams, showing that parents wanted their children to be doctors and engineers rather than athletes.

When asked why he would not allow his son to be a cricketer, Raju replied, “There is no realm of sports in our country here, the success rate is drastically low, there are a few who are successful, but what to me worries is the rest “.

Researchers have found that the rigid selection criteria, the lack of any form of job security and the short duration of services are factors that demand special attention from the government.

Rashid Ali, a former Olympic runner who drives an automatic rickshaw these days, said: “I have little or no support from the government, all the ten years of my dedication to the sport have been in vain. I think I could have chosen to study and get a job in the government instead of being in my old age and having nowhere to go now. “

The names may be different, but the stories remain the same. The sports industry appears to suffer from the phenomenon of poverty to wealth and has several drawbacks, including female and male gender roles, which have reduced women’s participation in male-dominated sports such as weightlifting, wrestling and boxing.

The lack of the necessary funds available for sports equipment, infrastructure, essential services such as medical care and the provision of other necessary products has further prevented athletes from revealing their potential role.

The lack of participation of people in sports has become a great concern and it is necessary to find its resolutions through the appropriate measures taken by the government.

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