Double dating: the pros and cons of double dating

Double dates can be a really fun time for everyone or some or none depending on the mix of people in your dating pool. Take, for example, that you have been asked to go with another couple on a double date. You only know your dating partner and have no knowledge of the other partner. As the date progresses you realize that there is absolutely no chemistry between the two couples, you are now in a position you would rather not be in.

Has this ever happened to you during double dates? Hopefully not, but it happens more often than you think. Usually, this is a case where two co-workers or two friends decide to have a double date event and their real partners don’t know anything about each other. This can be disastrous.

There are pros and cons to double dating, and knowing these guidelines can ensure a more enjoyable experience. First of all, try to use common sense and common courtesy, doing to others what you would like to happen to you. Don’t mix people you’ve never met. No one likes meeting mysterious people for the first time on a date.

Before you engage in a double dating experience, take some time for the four of you to get to know each other, if for no other measure, a visual indication of who’s going. Often times, this can clear things up, if the parties have met before, or know something they’ve heard about the other person, and definitely want or don’t want to be involved in a dating situation with each other.

Dating doubles can be a positive time for you and your date to branch out and interact with other people, and expand your peer group as a couple. This is always a good thing, from this point of view. Getting more people to associate with you and your partner as a couple allows you to show more of yourself to others and be more open to group activities that can enhance your personal relationship with your partner.

After weighing the pros and cons of double dating, be sure to consider your partner’s feelings before, during, and after the date has occurred. Remember, a double date can affect everyone differently, and you’ll want to make sure your partner enjoyed the event as much as you did. If you are both on the same page, you may want to do this again and develop a closer connection with the other partner.

There can be a lot to learn from double dating, and if you’re always mindful of your partner’s reactions, then you can both expand your list of friends, people you want to be with and socialize with. Growing a list of friends you can enjoy being with can greatly help a long and positive relationship with your partner in the future. Having more friends provides a couple more ways to stave off boredom and lack of things to do. This is a great way to always have options of people to ask to join you in a company that you can expect everyone to have a good time with.

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