DUI car insurance for convicted drivers

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DUI auto insurance has different requirements, depending on where the policyholder lives, to satisfy state compliance. Only qualified applicants will receive a suitable policy. The SR22 form is used in most states to check the insurance compliance of drivers with a DUI conviction. Florida and Virginia use Form FR44 for their drivers. A qualifying policy must remain in force for a valid license to continue. Some companies discourage applicants, while others compete for your business. Due to the requirements of FR44, policies in Florida and Virginia have become profitable businesses for companies as they compete for new ones with low rates.

Each state legislature determines the requirements that must be met for a driver convicted of DUI. Mandatory Bodily Injury Liability (BIL) with increased limits is common. In Florida, FR44 requires BIL limits of $300,000, the largest increase of any state. In Virginia, the only other state to adopt this form, requires $100,000 of BIL. A Texas policy requires $60,000 BIL and a California DUI $30,000, and so on. Most states have a three-year compliance period (Texas has two) to maintain a valid license. Additional underwriting and administrative requirements vary by state for the applicant and the policy.

How much does DUI insurance cost? This is a question every convinced driver asks, and the best answer is to shop around and get quotes from a variety of companies. Keep in mind that a policy is basically like any other except for some additional requirements and higher limits. Due to higher costs and more varied requirements, a policy has more price fluctuation between companies than a non-DUI policy. Keep in mind that a qualifying policy can be an auto insurance policy, a motorcycle policy, or an operator’s policy where there is no vehicle to insure. Florida no longer allows the filing of a motorcycle policy.

A drunk driver is a bad risk for any insurance company, however, most drivers who have experienced the consequences of a conviction avoid drunk driving. Furthermore, due to their previous experience, the awareness of convicted drivers is extremely high and they drive very carefully when consuming only a small amount of alcohol. Conscientious drivers are a good risk for businesses and reasonable rates are available for any risk group that proves profitable. Because the FR44 form in Florida and Virginia, unlike the SR22 form in other states, separates DUI drivers from all other high-risk drivers, it is easy for companies to determine that this specific group has low claim payments. , which makes it a profitable business.

A qualified DUI insurance policy for a convicted driver is generally the last step before driving privileges are reinstated. A person convicted of driving under the influence will need a policy with SR22 (FR44 in Florida and Virginia) to maintain a valid license. The requirements for this type of policy vary considerably from state to state and from company to company. A good buying strategy will keep rates lower, especially where companies compete for this type of business, such as in Florida and Virginia.

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