Electric or pneumatic tools, which is better?

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When making a comparison we are talking about the corded power tool, not the cordless one. It’s in a class of its own. The power tool is heavier, gets hotter, and is usually more expensive than its air tool counterpart. It is naturally heavy due to the electric motor and is also the reason it gets hotter. Using a power tool, even in an air-conditioned shop, can be uncomfortable on your hands after a period of time. After wearing one for several hours, the added weight and heat can put pressure on the body. The tool itself is generally more expensive than the air tool and is something to consider if you have budgeted.

The advantages of the power tool are the fact that they are more portable. You can plug it in at the store, in the garage, outside on the lawn or patio. As long as there is an accessible outlet, you can use your power tool. You can take it next door to help your neighbor with a job or to mom’s house for a repair. You are not limited to the fact that a compressor is not available, as would be the case with pneumatic tools.

Pneumatic tools or pneumatic tools are much lighter in weight because they do not have the electric motor and therefore are much cooler to operate. They also have the power you need at your fingertips. With the right compressor, the power of the pneumatic tool cannot be equaled to that of an electric tool. Repair kits are available for you to repair an air tool. Normally, if a power tool fails, you just have to replace it.

The drawbacks of a pneumatic tool are, first of all, the fact that it must have an air compressor. The initial output of a compressor can be quite expensive. They should be used in an area where the air hose can reach or you need to carry your compressor from one place to another. This is not practical if you have a large stationary compressor in the garage or shop. Even the smallest pancake versions of compressors can weigh more than 50 to 100 pounds. Air hoses and fittings can leak, causing the compressor to run more often. There must be a special accessory to collect moisture from the air or empty the tank after each use. Pneumatic tools generally need to be oiled after each use to keep them working properly and not freeze up.

Considering the advantages and disadvantages of both the air tool and the power tool, it would be unfair to say which is the best. If a homeowner only needs a drill to hang a picture on the wall or to do a small repair around the house, then the electric drill would be the best for him. If he has a shop or a garage where he works and repairs his car a lot, then the air tool would be his best choice. Before anyone can say which is the best, it would be necessary to take into account what is being done and where.

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