Email yourself to protect your own copyright

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Email yourself a copy or document of your work, which you want to copyright. Do this before you post it online or anywhere else! You will then see a timestamp in the corner of your email. This is what helps protect your work, only if it hasn’t appeared anywhere other than in the email you sent to yourself. The timestamp proves that you did or wrote that work, because it is the earliest known date and issue. Like guessing a result, knowing it will be correct, but you don’t want to say anything publicly because you’re afraid that if you’re wrong, you won’t like what other people say about you, and your prediction came true. , how would someone know if they predicted that before the event or saw the event unfold? This is the basic operation of an Emailer’s Copyright, to prove that you did the job before anyone else!

There’s nothing worse than having to spend around $25 bucks to file your own work, especially if you’re a regular content creator or provider, who has to worry about filing every single job when you don’t have the time, or the money to even get it out! this! But now it’s different, now you’re doing this for free, without having to use “poor man’s copyright”! A poor man’s copyright, for those of you who don’t know, is when you put your written document or materials in a mailing envelope, then mail it to yourself. First of all, it’s pretty easy to fake this process, as you could timestamp your envelope and then put whatever you want in it, even if it’s something different that wasn’t originally intended on that mailing envelope!

An email sender’s copyright could very well be upheld in court, if you have the emails on hand or have printed them out. You would have to alert the judge in advance that you are bringing an electronic or digital device, telling them that the devices are the ones that contain proof of copyright infringement. If you don’t alert the judge, there may be concerns about your device getting into the courtroom, especially past the security checkpoint, and if the judge thinks you’re trying to game him while he’s in court. Save emails you send to yourself, preferably in a folder called “Copyrights” as these will always be available, and you should also print your emails after you send them to yourself!

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