Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father – James 1 Vs 17

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There are so many people afraid of tongues and supernatural gifts who believe that evil is behind it. But there are perfect gifts from the Father and whatever the dark side can do, so can the body of Christ. Read more…

James 1:17 (New King James Version)

17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, in whom there is no change or shadow of variation.

The Lord God has nine gifts of the Holy Spirit that can be manifested in the life of a Christian. Many people are afraid of tongues because they think that most people with tongues have false tongues and are being deceived by Satan. People who believe this do not believe that good and perfect gifts come from the Father.

A medium can talk about people who have died and these people who do this make a good living and bring a lot of comfort to the people they deal with. So, the Lord Jesus can tell me how a person’s relative is doing in heaven.

A Clairvoyant can see the future with a crystal ball or tarot cards, and so can a Christian with the Father’s gift of prophecy. Each person who speaks by prophecy receives a perfect and good gift from the Father and yet can grow in faith and speak better and longer prophecies as his faith grows. The gift that a clairvoyant has is only a corruption of the gift of God.

A clairvoyant can tell you real details about your past or present or facts about the people you know and love. So too, can a Christian get words of knowledge that are accurate to the listener and can he build in them faith that the person bringing the information is God? Jesus used a word of knowledge with the woman at the well saying that she had been with five husbands and that the man she was with now was not her husband.

A seer can give you steps to follow in your life so that your destiny can come true. A Christian can also give words of wisdom, which are directional words from God for the person to reach his destiny in God. The kings of Israel consulted the prophets of old about how they should fight a war with their enemies. When they did what the Lord said through the prophets, they were successful.

People can be cured by Hindu witch doctors and priests. This demon disease can be treated by the priest. And healing can be done by ordinary Christians with the prayer of faith, or in greater numbers by a person with the gifts of healing.

People can go from one place to another with their whole body within the circles of witchcraft. So too, a Christian can translate from one place to another as Stephen did after speaking with the eunuch in the book of Acts.

Witches can travel astrally, where they can go wherever they want with their spirit while their body remains where they left it. Likewise, Christians can have visions and be taken up to heaven or other places. The great healer John G. Lake went with his spirit across many countries to a mental ward and healed a patient and came back.

Witches can disappear at will so that one time they’re in front of you and the next you can’t see them. So also Jesus did this on many occasions when he was on earth and they wanted to stone him. Personally this has happened to me a couple of times in my life where I disappeared.

Rest assured that the gifts come from the Father and all that the dark side can do, so can the church in the days to come. God’s gifts are wonderful.

Blessed be Matthew Robert Payne

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