How has the interview changed over the years?

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This question is frequently asked in the interview seminars I conduct. Job candidates want to know how the interview has changed since they last interviewed about 20 years ago.

Successful interviews haven’t changed much in the last two decades. You still need to present your accomplishments while matching them to the job specifications. And you still need to answer those killer questions we’ve been discussing all week; difficult interview questions waiting to play “got you”.

However, the way employers hire has changed. All you had to do 20 years ago was provide information and match your accomplishments in previous jobs with the needs of an interviewer. But today’s interview is more than just linking your skills to the job description.

You need to differentiate yourself from other job applicants. How? By focusing not only on what you have done, but also how your accomplishments will add value to a company.

Hiring managers will see you as a valuable player when you can show the qualities of self-management and the ability to learn quickly. There are fewer levels of management in most companies, as employers downsize to increase profits by meeting less. Therefore, you must do your job with less supervision than you did a couple of decades ago.

You should also show enthusiasm for the previous job and especially the job for which you are being interviewed. And effective interviews today include your ability to demonstrate how you were able to get things done, finish your work early, and collaborate to help your colleagues. We are talking about taking the initiative here.

And technology has had a huge impact on the way employers hire these days. Large, medium and small companies rely on technology to streamline operations and procedures. Therefore, companies want employees with computer skills, eager to learn new skills, and able to adapt to the faster pace of business.

All jobs have been affected by technology. Therefore, you must have or acquire at least a basic technical aptitude to compete in this job market. Older workers especially need to show job interviewers how they have kept up with technology.

In addition to explaining how you keep up with technology and how you can add value to a business, you will find that the interviewer hiring criteria remain the same.

To adapt to changes in the way the manager is hired, be able to give examples in job interviews of your efficiency in the three key areas we have been discussing.

1. Your ability to learn fast

2. Your self-management skills,

3. Your technical competence.

Because job interviewers like candidates who are confident, talk about the three key areas with great enthusiasm.

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