How to make double concentration coffee in your coffee maker

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Do you feel tired and groggy from taking out all night? One way to keep yourself awake enough to function properly all day is through a very strong cup of Joe. Your regular coffee flavor can be doubled in strength if you want something to really wake you up.

Ok, here’s a way to make your coffee stronger:

Tip 1: Fill the water tank with half the usual amount of water. You will get less coffee in a brew cycle, but it will produce a stronger coffee flavor. Then fill the coffee basket with the usual amount of ground coffee. Then press the brew button. This will give you a stronger java flavor.

Tip 2: If you use K-cups, the flavor is pretty even. Get a refillable K cup and then fill it to the brim. Be sure to tamp down the coffee grounds to squeeze out as much of the coffee grounds as you can. And then use a quarter cup less water. This will surely give you the desired strength that you want.

Tip 3: Choose a coffee maker with variable strength. There are many brewers today that may allow you to adjust the strength setting.

Tip 4: You may want to use French Press java machines. This will give you a strong coffee flavor without having to use too much coffee grounds or too little water. It dispenses with the use of coffee filters so the java essential oils are carefully extracted. Many java enthusiasts prefer the use of this manual machine as it produces the strongest flavor.

Tip 5: Get a coffee maker with a shower head. There are plenty of drip coffee makers out there that just don’t cut it when it comes to flavor. You will find those machines highly rated because of their taste in having a shower head. This helps extract the essential oils from the ground coffee and will produce a stronger flavor.

Tip 5: For starters, choose a gourmet coffee that actually has a stronger flavor. You may want to have a stronger coffee stock ready for this situation. Use the coffee grounds when you are doing the first tips and this will give you the result you are looking for.

In case you need something to prevent your eyelids from drooping, you can try the tips mentioned above. A stronger flavored coffee will surely give you the energy you need for a few hours.

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