Interesting flashlight facts

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We all have one or more flashlights and nobody can deny that flashlights can be really ‘saver’. In times when the electricity is out, such as when we experience a car breakdown or some kind of disaster, your 5-LED headlamp is ready to go and ‘on duty’. It seems to me that we neglect this valuable device and probably don’t even have a clue who invented it. Let’s take some time to find out some facts that all flashlight addicts should know about flashlights.

1. Who invented it and when?

Interestingly, although torches can be considered very simple devices, the first flashlight was only invented after the invention of the electric battery and electric light. Many point to the late 1890s as the date of invention. Many believe that Conrad Hubert (also known as Akiba Horowitz), the founder of the Ever Ready Company, was its inventor; however, according to the 1947 New Yorker magazine, Joshua Lionel Cowen, of Lionel toy train fame, invented the flashlight and later sold it to Hubert, who marketed it. as novelty.

2. How did the flashlight get its name?

When the first flashlight was invented, a constant electrical current source was not available and users needed to press a button to literally turn on the light at intervals. Hence the common name ‘flashlight’. In European countries, however, the name torch or electric torch is used.

3. What is the difference between a flashlight and a flashlight?

It mainly has to do with the area it illuminates. Flashlights can usually only illuminate a smaller area compared to flashlights that can be used to illuminate entire rooms. The lanterns are also not made to be held by users and have handles that allow them to be hung and have a flat base and can be placed high up.

4. What is an LED flashlight?

Invented in the late 1990s, LED or light-emitting diode torches use no batteries or light bulbs and are more efficient and long-lasting. You don’t have to worry about changing batteries and running out of power. This type of light source uses semiconductor technology.

5. Can flashlight bulbs be replaced?

Yes. You just have to make sure you know the size and type of bulb you are going to replace, it is a good idea to replace the bulbs in your flashlights from time to time to extend their life.

6. Where should you store batteries when not in use?

With cameras or other devices, it is generally advisable to remove the batteries when not in use. However, with your flashlight, it would be best if you kept them indoors and ready to work at all times. You don’t want to be in the middle of an emergency and have to start looking for your batteries.

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