Natural bodybuilding Get big or die trying

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The other day I received an email from a serious young man named Dustin (name changed for identity reasons). Now, Dustin, like most young men in their teens and early twenties, was looking to put on an additional ten or twenty pounds of muscle to complete his frame.

Dustin, like many men his age, felt he was too skinny. He also told me that he had been training for 3 or 4 years with moderate results and that, although he was relatively slim, his body weight had plateaued between 170 and 175 pounds at a height of 5’11. I have received hundreds, if not thousands, of letters from guys and girls like Dustin all over the world who are desperate to gain more muscle.

Like so many before him, Dustin told me how he religiously followed an endless series of training programs. Although he had experienced some gains when he first switched to a new training program, usually after the first 2-3 weeks on a new program, his gains stopped. The situation had worsened because at the time of the email he had been sitting at his current body weight for almost a year and it seemed that he could not gain a pound of muscle no matter what he did.

Dustin also shared with me that he had been consuming 250 to 300 grams of protein per day and doing all of his sets to failure, including partials, forced reps, and even negatives. In fact, he felt that he had never trained harder in his life and that his diet was the best he had ever had.

He tried every supplement advertised in the magazines, including creatine, NO2, hormone precursors, testosterone boosters, and some products whose name neither he nor I could pronounce, let alone spell. He also poured out his heart about how frustrated he was because he felt he was doing everything right.

Dustin emailed me because he was considering taking a steroid cycle. He really didn’t want to start taking drugs, but he felt that he had no choice but to give in to pressure from his friends and gym mates.

Now, before we get into the solution to Dustin’s problem, let’s first look at the cold hard facts that every trainee going to a gym today will face. My goal here is to give you an idea of: who, what, when, where and why, and how many guys like Dustin get caught up in The Get Big or Die Trying program, which is rampant in almost every gym in the world.

This article promises to be a real eye-opener for some of you and is definitely a no-holds-barred look at what’s really going on in the Wacky World of Modern Muscle Building Craze.

I also quote a line from The Matrix, “Fasten your seat belts, Dorothy, because Kansas is going bye-bye!”

The Biggest Bodybuilding Lie EVER…”Just One Cycle”

Dustin’s story is very familiar. It all started when some of the “Big Dudes” at the gym told him that if he did a small cycle he would gain another 20 pounds in a month or two. These guys definitely had impressive physiques and they certainly seem to know a lot about training, dieting, and getting big.

The bottom line was that Dustin was almost ready to say “To hell with that”, grabbed a syringe and joined members of the “Drug Infused Testosterone Nation” who can usually be seen parading through most of the gyms on the planet like a herd of oversized. dish heads To the innocent observer, these guys seemed to be doing just fine and were all assured that a little juice wouldn’t hurt anyone.

I really felt for Dustin’s situation as I reflected on my own journey in the bodybuilding industry. I’ve been in Dustin’s situation myself, as have millions of young men and women around the world.

Sadly, business these days is booming thanks to “drug dealers” all over the world who have used this single-cycle speech since the drug trade began. It’s no secret that this shade is compelling and bodybuilders have fallen in love with this line ever since the invention of the barbell.

Let’s face it, the bodybuilding industry has taken a nosedive since Dorian Yates ushered in the “chemical warfare” era. While drug use was prevalent among top pros and amateurs in the 1970s and 1980s, the 1990s ushered in the era where you just take as many chemicals as you can afford, lift as much as you can, and wait with all your might. Forces don’t get sick, broken, or completely destroy your health.

Unfortunately, this mad quest for size comes with extreme costs, as evidenced by the spate of professional and amateur bodybuilders who have died, permanently ruined their health, or ended up in prison. The reality is that few people consider the big picture when it comes to their training programs, diet, health, or the true costs of “juicing,” even if it’s for “just one cycle.”

The facts are that one cycle leads to another, and another, and another because drugs cannot replace the science of real training, quality nutrition, the drive, focus, time and commitment it takes to build a physique. really amazing. Although drugs may seem like a quick fix to Dustin’s current weight gain challenges. Not there! In fact, the first cycle is often the first step into the underground steroid subculture. Let’s take a look at the players in this deadly game, but be aware that this could get messy before I’m done talking.

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