Real Estate Development Marketing

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When you begin?

As soon as you open your ‘baby blue eyes’ each morning!

“The easy part of real estate development is spending money”… “Marketing is what gets it back + a little more to make a profit.”

Anyone can spend money. It takes a good manager to spend it at a predetermined rate according to a planned ‘cash flow’.

So this topic is very important. People think development marketing is all about putting an ad in the newspaper, designing a brochure, and following up with agents… I don’t think so, folks!

Marketing begins before you buy the land.

The location of the land impacts on marketing. Is it a desirable address? Is it in a prestigious location? What market sector of the buying public are you targeting? Does the site have local prominence? Does the land have quality homes around it?

All of these questions impact your marketing plan, the home designs you select, costs, and final sales prices.

So, if marketing starts with the selection of the land, it logically continues with the

internship design. Assuming you don’t want to just copy something you’ve seen another developer do, you need market knowledge.

You need to know the exact standard of the product you are competing with in the market now. Remember that you won’t be producing yours for another 12 months or so and you will want to improve on what is being produced today, to have a difference in the marketplace. An edge.’

Marketing is nothing more than the presentation of your finished product to the

buying public in the most favorable light, highlighting all the benefits

your house has over the competition.

One type of marketing style that is a flop as far as I’m concerned is the one that relies on “Numbers Comparison”. I’m sure you’ve seen the project boards on the site.

Our house has 5 of these, and 6 of those… when that guy’s house only

has 4 of these and 3 of those.

The potential buyer will eventually want to know these things, but “right now” wants to know “how do you feel” about living in the place, on your driveway, in this neighborhood.

Understand this: People SELL for Money… People BUY with Emotion.

If they don’t feel good in your place, it doesn’t matter if you give them 12 of these and 20 of those…okay?

I have always DEVELOPED and MARKETED on the basis of appealing to the human senses of seeing, feeling, touching, smelling and hearing.

I transfer all that to my designs, because I am designing and building for

‘Human Beings’ and human beings buy with emotions… and if I do my job well, I win.

So as a buyer, if a house looks good when I come to inspect it, I am favorably willing to buy before I open the garden gate.

When my feet touch the driveway/entrance hall and I see the beautiful scenery, my desire to buy increases.

When I enter the house and feel that the atmosphere of the house surrounds me,

I will respond positively to buying if I feel emotionally comfortable in the space.

When I smell all the new house smells, it translates to ‘fresh’, ‘clean’, ‘new’ and who doesn’t want to buy fresh new stuff.

When I close the door at home I enjoy listening to the sound of silence, which is conducive to rest and recovery after a hard day’s work.

Think about how you respond to each home you inspect as you gain insight into the market. You see, it doesn’t matter how many ‘bibs & bobs’ the place has…if they don’t feel emotionally comfortable in the place, THEY WILL NOT BUY!

Can you see why this is my number one topic?

So naturally I write a lot about it in Residential Development.

Made easy.

So now you have an idea why marketing starts as soon as you open your ‘baby blue eyes’ every morning… marketing is a direct reflection of who you are and how you express yourself by creating a beautiful living space FOR HUMANS.

The ‘by-product’ becomes ‘money’. And if you do it very well,
becomes ‘A lot of money’.

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