Seven tips for black women to live a happier life

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In this time when the world is changing, technology is advancing and years have passed in the blink of an eye, Black women may wonder about the future and how it will affect them directly. Black women today are beginning to realize that change in the world and want a positive part of it. Over time, many women are learning what it takes to be successful and get ahead.

Living in a world where you’re constantly reminded that you’re the minority of the minority, sooner or later you begin to realize and grab onto that piece of success. That success can involve anything from earning a living to starting a family. However, along the way you may start to doubt yourself, you may even wonder about your self worth and at the end of the day you want peace of mind just to stay in the game.

Tip #1:

When your mind is stuck in the past, you are in fact a prisoner of your past, resisting the key to set you free in a new direction for your future.

The past is gone. Sometimes you have to let it go. Black women love very strong. They feel they have to. It is your main source of strength. It is also a quality that they fully accept from others. No matter what happens in your life, you have to embrace the good and let go of the negativity, but always look forward with as much optimism as possible.

Tip #2:

Whatever your constant focus is, it is what will either bring you closer to happiness or plunge you deeper into dissatisfaction.

Focus on your strengths and refuse to accept being black and female as a weakness. Train your mind to believe that you are confident and capable, and soon your actions will follow suit.

Tip #3:

When you begin to understand and believe the depth of your worth, NO ONE can trick you into thinking what your worth is as a black woman.

The media have a funny way of interjecting what is beauty and what is not; what is popular and what is discarded. Don’t believe the hype! There are some who seem to have everything on the outside, but it hurts a lot on the inside. Realize that your inner happiness means more than any outer material possession or physical trait. I love you, and the world has no choice but to acknowledge and accept it.

Tip #4:

If something doesn’t work, change your approach. Knowledge is everything. Along with knowledge and persistence, you will make better decisions.

Believe it or not, you may be surprised that you don’t know yourself as well as you think you do. Live life, get a life, experience something new and be open to change in your life.

Tip #5:

Life is not long enough to settle. The strength to change your situation is already within you, you just have to realize it and find it.

Black women conform much more than they have to. They may want a change, but their actions tell a different story.

Realize that you don’t have to settle. In some cases, it is simply demeaning to their self-esteem. Recognize your strengths, work on improving your weaknesses and always recognize the love that lives in the center of your soul.

Tip #6:

When you think others are holding you back, it is your own way of thinking that is holding many black women back.

Many people resort to excuses, constant excuses. If you want something go after it. Don’t let insecurities or excuses get in the way for too long and stop your journey through life. Furthermore, don’t think for a second that you can’t achieve your goals because of another human being.

Tip #7:

The quality of the relationship you have with yourself determines how many fears you have and, more importantly, how you deal with your fears.

You may never have thought about what kind of relationship you have with yourself, but you should. You will be with yourself for the rest of your life. It is better that you know yourself as much as you can. Always look for ways to enhance your growth, whether the growth is spiritual, emotional, related to your career, family, or health.

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