Symbols of the seven spirits of God

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There are seven different Spirits of God. Each has its own name and sphere of influence, but they all always work together to produce the character and the very nature of God. Here we will consider some of the symbols used to represent the seven spirits of God.

Some of the non-specific symbols of the Seven Spirits of God include: the seven-branched menorah (Exodus 25: 31-40), the seven eyes on the rock (Zechariah 3: 9) and on the Lamb (Revelation 5: 6) . ), the seven lampstands (Revelation 1:12), the seven stars (Revelation 1:20), the seven horns of the Lamb (Revelation 5: 6), and the seven thunders (Revelation 10: 3). Although each of these symbols collectively represents the Seven Spirits of God, we have no way of discerning one Spirit from another. However, there are also many other symbols that separate into individual Spirits. For example, consider the Spirit of life:

The first revelation of the Seven Spirits, not including the many repetitions of God’s words and names, are the seven days of creation. On the third day, which we will call Tuesday by tradition, the Lord created the oceans, dry land and plant life, so the Spirit of Life acted in creation. She is represented by the breath of life (Genesis 2: 7), Her rainbow color is green (the color of life), She is responsible for the first plague in Egypt (turning the river into blood – Exodus 7: 19 -25), the seventh of the ten commandments (adultery), and is represented by the last of the seven ordained annual festivals: the Feast of Tabernacles (Deuteronomy 16: 13-17). When we look at the book of Revelation, we find that She is represented by the church in Sardis (the dead church 3: 1-6), the fourth seal which is also the fourth horseman of the apocalypse (death 6: 7,8), the first trumpet (vegetation sounds 8: 7), the second blessing of the Book of Revelation (those who die will rest 14:13) and the third bowl of wrath (rivers and springs turn to blood 16: 4). Obviously, similar lists could be made for the remaining God Spirits.

If the Seven Spirits of God are so ubiquitous throughout the Bible, why has hardly anyone ever heard a sermon or teaching about them? I asked the Lord exactly the same question, and He answered “no one asked.” Yes, the Lord God is infinite. Yes, we will always learn more about Him, His nature and His ways, but it is not as if this information is hidden. Certainly, the ancient priests of Israel should have known that there was something special about a seven-day week and a seven-branched menorah, but apparently they didn’t care to investigate it. They were more concerned with what they could receive from God, rather than contemplating the identity of God.

Most people would rather seek the blessings of the Lord, but not the Lord Himself, the Provider of those blessings, and they rarely receive the blessings they desire. They live in ignorance and poverty by their own design. Perhaps the real reason we rarely receive the blessings the Lord has promised to those who seek Him is the fact that we prefer to seek the blessings than the provider of those blessings:

So don’t worry, saying, “What will we eat?” or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we get dressed?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. Because your heavenly Father knows that you need all of these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. So don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about its own things. Enough for the day is your own problem. (Matthew 6: 31-34, NKJV)

But without faith it is impossible to please him, because he who comes to God must believe that he exists, and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. (Hebrews 11: 6, NKJV)

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