Tax the rich so the government can help the poor pay attention

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The other day, I talked to a leftist Bernie Sanders supporter who didn’t like Clinton and therefore didn’t vote this time in the 2016 presidential election. He told me we should tax the rich to pay for college every American, to pay for every American’s health care, and to give a minimum paycheck to every person out of a job. I smiled and said; oh really and said; “Yes!”

So I asked him how much he thought all of that would cost. He said; “a lot, but if we tax the rich we could pay for it all.” I actually explained to him that there were a lot of billionaires out there but if we took away “all their money” they wouldn’t even run our government for 6 months and then they wouldn’t be rich anymore, they’d be as poor as a family living in the projects, so they wouldn’t they would have to pay taxes next year. I suggested that maybe we should tax the rich so the government could help the poor pay more attention. Without thinking, he just said “Yah!”

You see, he didn’t care what the tax was for, he just wanted to soak the rich. I asked him if he realized that the rich were a small minority in America and that we would be attacking minorities if we taxed them more than everyone else. He said; “Who cares, taxing the rich!” Well, I asked him if he cared about the rich and he told me; “Hell no!” I laughed and said it was a good thing he didn’t worry about them. He asked me why, and I told him with all that talk I bet they don’t care about you either. He stopped speaking for a moment to consider that point.

Then he told me; “The rich have it all.” And I asked him if he would also like to be rich and he told me; “Of course” and then I asked him if he would be okay if he hired the government to come and take all his money, his house and his belongings. He said “no” because he felt that it would not be right. I told; Tough luck, because the next time someone like Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton runs for office, I’ll vote for them to come take his money and then give it to me. He was beginning to see my point, but angry that he had lost the debate. Actually, he lost more than that, he had already lost his moral authority. Think about this.

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