The importance of being happy

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People who are genuinely cheerful can light up a room, inspire others to achieve their goals, and bring a sense of happiness and well-being wherever they go. Being cheerful implies a positive outlook on life, the feeling that things happen for a reason and that things will work out.

However, sometimes, if we have had several blows or disappointments, being cheerful can take a lot of effort. There may very well be days when you feel like there is very little to be joyful about. But being joyful can provide many benefits both for ourselves and for others.

Let’s focus on some of the benefits of being cheerful:

– It helps us feel better. When we make an effort to be more joyful, life becomes easier. We have more energy, motivation, and our general well-being and outlook improves. Then we can begin to appreciate how much we bring our mood down when we are sad and miserable.

– The atmosphere improves. Have you ever been in a room where one person’s mood dominates the atmosphere? A miserable person can bring everyone down to his level. Likewise, a cheerful person can brighten up a room and make everyone feel lighter and happier. Laughter and good humor can get people through tough situations with a much better mindset and attitude.

– Others respond better. It is much easier to work with someone who is cheerful. Energy levels are better and things flow much better. Ideas, work and communications are more comfortable and fluid in a happy environment. Less effort is needed to motivate and produce results. Additionally, people relax and are more confident to speak up, volunteer, and offer ideas and thoughts in a joyful environment. You feel more secure and less tense or judgmental.

– Perspective rises. Mood and optimism can be enhanced by a cheerful outlook. Seeing the good in a situation, feeling more hopeful and positive can often be achieved simply by looking at it from another point of view. Being more cheerful introduces a better way of seeing things. Things are often not as bad as they seem when viewed from a different perspective.

– Provides a respite from stress and tension. Laughter and joy can reduce symptoms of stress and provide a break from tiredness and lack of energy. Often in tense group situations, the introduction of chants, movement, and other positive activities can relieve tension and help people feel better and more alert.

The truth is that, even if we do not feel happy, acting in this way helps us improve our mood and our general attitude. And before we know it, we have forgotten that we felt depressed and miserable. Acting cheerful quickly turns into feeling that way.

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