Tiger Woods – Why? Part 2 – Power, Fame and Ego

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(This article is not intended to extol or defame Tiger Woods. It is offered simply as a means of relating your personal numbers on your numerology chart to the events and circumstances of your life and destiny in order to further the understanding of numerology as a science.)

As the Tiger Woods Saga continues to unfold, its lessons emerge magnetic, microscopic, telescopic, and educational. Sad as this human tragedy is, his lessons are packed with timeless and universal principles and life lessons: his successes, failures, lures, pitfalls, heartaches, and heartbreaks. In fact, he is a potpourri of how to live and how not to live one’s life. However, it is a common life story familiar to all of us. Nobody in this world is perfect. We all make mistakes and chances are we have several closets full of fresh and decaying skeletons. The thing about this drama is that Tiger Woods was the most publicly recognized sports icon in the world, despite the fact that the reality of who he is was so drastically different from the person he portrayed. This article continues to delve into that question everyone is asking: “Why?”

Tiger and the Power of Numbers 8 and 9

As 18th-century French patron Suzanne Necker succinctly stated, Fortune doesn’t change men, it unmasks them. What the world is seeing from a thirty-four-year-old Tiger Woods is really the unmasking of who he is intrinsically. All our lives are destined… for breathing. It is no different for Tiger Woods. Also, leopards never change places. Us neither. All of us are born with a set pattern for life. We go through different phases of our life, especially those marked in our Life Matrix, and we can, with effort, rise to a higher frequency of a particular intrinsic energy that defines us, but our basic patterns are established and determined by higher powers even before we are born. Why they are the way they are only God knows. Our job is to do the best we can with them, learn from them, grow from them, and even unload past karmas involving them.

Tiger: 9 Expression

In numerology, the Expression identifies the individual as a composite whole, replete with assets, liabilities, desires, and personality traits. Tiger Woods was born “Eldrick Tont Woods” on December 30, 1975. His birth name is equivalent to a simple number 9, referred to as “Great Elemental” in the King’s Numerology system. As a cipher, Nine (9) is unique because when added to any other unique cipher, the result is always that number. For example, 9 + 8 = 17 > 1 + 7 = 8. Note that when 9 is added to 8, the result is 8. If 9 is added to 3, the result would be 3 in reduction: 9 + 3 = 12 > 1 + 2 = 3. It is the same with all numbers. No other number has this quality. It is unique exclusively for 9.

This ‘great elemental’ attribute makes the 9 very charismatic. Since people are actually energetically identified with a numerical label, when they interact with Tiger Woods [or any 9 person], you would feel a connection because your specific energy would be reflected back to you by the 9 individual. This is one of the reasons why the 9 is powerful: it blends naturally with everyone and everyone identifies with it because it reflects themselves.

Nine (9) is also mastered, and “9 rules” would be an appropriate phrase. Why is this? If all individual ciphers in the alphanumeric spectrum [the single digits 1 to 9] are added and reduced to a single digit, the result is a 9. For example: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 = 45 > 4 + 5 = 9. Therefore, 9 it contains all of the unique numbers within itself, corroborating its charismatic and chameleon-like attributes. The caution is that the 9 is potentially so powerful that it can become dominant to a serious mistake.

Nine (9) also have other features. In numerology it is the number of the public stage, fame, notoriety, travel, art, theater, expansion, world prominence, universality, philanthropy, broadcasting, completions, endings and the completion of cycles. .

Like all numbers, 9 has two sides, one good side; a bad 9 can be the magnanimous ruler or the nefarious and malevolent tyrant. Power is power, whether nuclear or personal. Properly used, it generates great and wonderful benefits for all; used inappropriately, it creates hell for all. And more, whatever he creates, he generates a karmic retribution for himself. What we put into the circle of life always comes back around us, no matter if the energy is positive or negative. we sow; we reap It is the immutable law of this creation and no one, no king, queen, pauper, prince, celebrity or even a world golf icon escapes it.

The misuse of power is common, which is why Lord Acton stated in a letter to the Bishop of London, Mandell Creighton, Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad, even when they exercise influence and not authority.

Money, and lots of it, always creates a sense of worldly power. Since people are attracted to money and power, it puts the power holder in a dangerous position, especially men who lack self-control and are immersed in the sensation of enjoying the spoils of their ephemeral potency with the female sex. . With this power in tow, also in tow are the numbers of parasites, sycophants, predators, yes gentlemen, lovers, vultures and flies. And since the number 9 mixes with everyone, it can, if care is not taken, mix with those souls and beings that are of a dark, usurious, perverse and negative nature. If you wish to be in power, or be placed in power, but lack strength and wisdom, it is easy to see how one would fall into the clutches of characters so tainted and thereby suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, and certainly the Woods Saga fits the bill of “scandalous fortune” [respects to you, Mr. Shakespeare]. It is this power aspect of the 9 that helps to plague Tiger Woods, creating a scenario that was exposed, ostensibly and coincidentally, with a powerful and reportedly furious 9-iron.

Tiger’s Name Timeline SP of 9

In numerology, each of our birth names carries with it a timeline or period in which the name is active. Tiger’s first name is “Eldrick”. This equals an 8. When we add up your Lifepath number, a 1 [we’ll discuss this next], the result is a result of 9, the energy of power, fame and notoriety. This second 9 on the Tiger card creates stacking, a condition that creates a greater intensity of 9 energy. This 8/9 influence/reality set [I/R set for short] governs Tiger’s life from birth to age thirty-five. It is also a combination that indicates success. [8] with a powerful public result of domination [9] that Tiger has been privileged to have since birth. The sad part is that unless someone with this combination has an understanding of spiritual matters accompanied by a sense of humility, worldly success often goes to people’s heads, swelling and inflating with importance but meaning. of their own egos, blinding them and subsequently causing them enormous injury. If there had been more humility than ego, the grievance would never have existed. The power would be given to God, not to the self, so that the self could not fall into the abyss of self-acclaim, self-centeredness, self-importance, and self-created problems.

Tiger’s first challenge: 9/9

Increasing the 9 energy stack is the first Challenge period in Tiger’s life. [from birth to age thirty-five] it is an IR 9/9 set. This increases your power, dominance, public and global influence, as well as mixing among many people. With the addition of this first Challenge 9/9 set, the Tiger Woods chart reveals a quad stack of four 9s:

1. 9 Phrase
2. 9 Names [Eldrick] EP Timeline
3. 9 First Challenge
4. 9 First Physical Education Challenge

This is certainly a lot of the energy of power, dominance, and public appeal. However, as all things circulate, so does power. None of us have it forever.

Tiger’s sense of ego, self, uniqueness and number 1

Tiger Woods was born on December 30, 1975. This date creates a 1 Lifepath, the script of your life that indicates the problems, events and lessons, both positive and negative, that you will experience. Combined with his 9 Expression, this 1 Life Path also generates a 1 Performance/Experience cipher or PE, the component of one’s basic Matrix that defines the role a person will play on the big stage of life. Here again is an example of stacking, this time involving energy 1.

Number 1 is the cipher for ego, self, yang/masculine issues, action, independence, willpower, self-sufficiency. When the 9 and 1 are combined, as in the case of Tiger, the 1 PE [or reality cipher] it is saturated with the vibration of the self and the ego. E Online quotes Tiger Woods’ high school sweetheart, Dina Parr, as saying that when she was in college she developed an “untouchable arrogance” that increased with the number of women in her life. It is this set of ciphers 1 and 9 that she certainly played and continues to play a dominant role in Woods’ troubled life.

What is the solution to all this self-absorbed and dominating plague of power? The answer lies, as always, in adjusting one’s life to encompass the one true [1], God and His power, while subordinating the little self, saturated with ego and directed by me first to a higher reality. If we have power, it is because God gave it to us. If we have money, it is because God gave it to us. If we are fortunate enough to have skills and abilities that outshine others, making us the best in the world, it is because God allowed it. Everything comes from God; nothing of oneself. The catch is that we think our talents and successes belong to us and were created by us. They don’t and they aren’t. They belong to God and He has given them to us, and when we put ourselves first and commit the great sin of ingratitude by not putting God first and thanking Him for our good fortune, then we are headed for a fall, and the greater the illusion, the greater our ego, the greater our sense of personal greatness, the greater the fall. Humpty Dumpty has a big head. He fell, and he fell from such a high place and with such a bang when he hit the ground that “not all the king’s horses nor all the king’s men could put Humpty Dumpty back together.”

Tiger Woods has experienced a Humpty-Dumpty fall. Will he be able to put his life back together again? Perhaps to some extent, but only if he reverses his thoughts, principles, actions, and behaviors by putting God first, not himself. So it is with all of us. When it comes down to it, no matter how great we think we are, we are nothing. Science has shown that there are more stars in the universe than all the grains of sand on all the beaches in the world. With that kind of vastness, how insubstantial are any of us, including our fame, fortune, power, status, or celebrity?

Wrapping yourself in humility is the first thing Tiger Woods, or any of us, must do to fix his life. As Saint Jagat Singh says: Humility is the true sign of greatness. The branches of a fruit-laden tree bend downwards. So it is with the truly great.

If Tiger decides not to revolutionize his life, his thoughts, and his behavior, then he will undoubtedly continue to become one of the countless souls that Dr. Samuel Johnson references in his Vanity of Human Desires:

Countless supplicants crowd at the Door of the Preferential,
thirsty for riches and burning to be great;
Misleading fortune listens to the incessant call;
they rise, shine, evaporate and fall!

~ finished

© 2010 Richard Andrew King
All rights reserved

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