Top 7 WordPress Website Design Trends That Will Accelerate In 2017

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From its inception in 2003 to 2016, WordPress has also marked major changes with the release of hundreds of themes, plugins, tools, and libraries and mobile responsiveness with its large number of versions. The best content management system platform is leveraged by the 10 million websites around the world.

Every year there has been a lot of speculation about the development of WordPress and that is fulfilled with the release of new features. This year 2017, there are some website design trends that will take center stage. Let’s shed some light on these trends:

1) go mobile responsive

As mobile becomes the mainstream, the development of websites that are responsive to a variety of devices began, but websites that were not optimized for mobile had poor designs and ruined the user experience. To better fit all content on smaller screens and delight users, responsive design becomes a de facto standard, set to increase in the coming years.

2) It is the turn of the sensitive age

You will find it a bit funny. It is understood how to make the website design responsive to the screen sizes of various devices, but how you can make the website design adapt to the age of the users. As customization taking into account the demographics of users is in fashion, similarly, the website will also be customized in an automated manner, such as navigation menus, color contrast, font size, and spacing will be changed as per the age of the users.

3) video headers

Pictures or videos are worth a thousand words. Images are better to illustrate the content. According to the Hubspot study, “80% of internet traffic will come through videos in 2018.” With videos, video headers are also gaining popularity to better tell the story and add appeal to the website by evoking strong emotions.

4) parallax will prevail

Parallax is an ingenious act that creates a 3D illusion by making the background move at a slower speed than the foreground. The WordPress development company includes the parallax effect on the one page website to make site navigation fascinating and allow brands to tell their story in the most engaging way. It will continue to be the favorite of WordPress designers in 2017 as well.

5) Stunning card and grid layout.

Cards allow for the segregation of website content into multiple sections that are easily navigated, work well with mobile devices, and make content manageable. The ability to experiment with the card-based user interface uncovers the creative possibilities that make website content interesting to read. In order to surprise users with new designs and layouts, experimentation will continue to increase.

6) Improved attention to typography.

Just like images or videos, typography is also picking up the pace where different fonts are displayed in a creative way that captures the user’s attention. Excellent textual rendering will become a mainstay of the web world in 2017, to which custom WordPress development companies will pay more attention.

7) Flat colors will become a thing of the past

A few years ago, flat design trends were on the rise, but with the rise in fame, they have become all too common. The problems of flat design lead to the invention of new design elements, shadows, overlay and card technique through modern technologies, which will become the new website trends in 2017.


With the start of 2017, the old WordPress website design trends will definitely make a change to stay in sync with customers and the market. Tea Custom WordPress Development Company through perfect understanding of all these issues with the aim of developing and designing the visually appealing websites with the best style and fantastic user interface. Does it make sense to you? If so, evolve with technology and trends to incorporate what’s coming out this year.

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