What to emphasize and avoid with search engine optimization strategies

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The concept of trial and error seems tailor-made for the contemporary world of how to improve search engine optimization (SEO). In this adventurous spirit, the initial emphasis is traditionally on a quick test of what works and what doesn’t for winning Internet marketing strategies. At some point, however, the emphasis must shift to emphasizing what works and avoiding what doesn’t. But this is often easier said than done, as efforts to avoid unsuccessful, fringe content marketing strategies can involve internal politics and resistance to change.

5 search engine optimization tactics to avoid

Perhaps because striving to avoid certain SEO strategies can be more difficult than choosing what to emphasize in search engine optimization efforts, the starting point for this overview is a short list of what to avoid:

  • Overly promotional content
  • Non-original content (also known as duplicate content and article rotation)
  • excessive affiliate marketing
  • Link saturation (aka too many links and blog networks)
  • Stolen and copied content

One of the main goals of any search optimization strategy is to gain more business exposure, but weak content marketing can have the opposite impact. For example, Google and other search engines have constantly struggled with how to tackle problems like the five just mentioned. In the most extreme case, websites can be de-indexed completely (and quickly) by violating sound SEO principles: A network of private blogs known as Build My Rank was removed from Google’s search index in 2012, and in about one day, the company ceased its business. operations. This enforcement action not only affected BuildMyRank but also customers who had used the site to post content and earn backlinks.

One of the most perverse examples of non-original content is articles and images that are copied and pasted from the original publishing website and placed elsewhere without any credit to the original author. While this is a problem for original authors and various article directories who unknowingly become the second (or 99th) place some articles appear, it’s also a challenge for potential customers who don’t have more. no choice but to be stumped by mixed messages of duplicate content. that appear in multiple places with names of different authors attached to the article. For example, shortly after this article initially appears here, it will most likely be incorrectly posted on one or more additional websites without any attribution to the original author or article directory.

3 SEO tactics to emphasize

On a positive note, a few SEO approaches deserve emphasis, and here is a short list of three candidates to consider:

  • Presentations on SlideShare
  • Images that are unique (such as custom text images)
  • Content that is unique

This is an intentionally shorter list with the idea that it might be easier to implement. Some content marketing strategies, such as white papers, can illustrate all three concepts. A white paper is a more extensive and advanced treatment of a topic and is usually designed with a specialized audience in mind.

SlideShare presentations, YouTube videos, and text images can often help communicate with a sensitive audience while they prefer visual communication techniques over reading several thousand words. In a variation of The Customer Is Always Right, discerning business managers and owners must never lose sight of what prospective customers need and want.

Final Words on Content Marketing

With technological change in the background, what works today might not work as well tomorrow (or next year). This overview is designed to be a starting point rather than a goal for internet marketing strategies.

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