When you walk away, he will come closer

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You have to be a little cunning. When a man is interested in you, there are things you can do to increase his interest and increase his attraction.

But you have to trust the law of cause and effect and know how men work. This business of learning to use attraction to your advantage is harmless. It has nothing to do with using a man or mistreating a man. Those kinds of things are for immature girls.

What you’re doing is paying attention to how a man responds to you in a way you probably haven’t thought of before. If you’re dating a man and notice that he pays a lot of attention to you but stops responding, create a distraction by giving him plenty of space. This is the last and best frontier, so to speak, to get into his mind.

You can use this in any of your relationships where you want a change in energy flow. If you notice that his attention is slipping, don’t talk to him about it.

Create a distraction by telling the man who is interested in you that you will be busy for several weeks and that you will contact him when you are free. Be fun about it and communicate in a way that shows you still have an interest in him. He will be thinking, “Busy doing what?”

But you will never tell.

This is what men understand. They understand that they are busy and are more interested in a woman who is more interested in her OWN life.

I don’t care what you have to do, just start a project or do something other than hang the man. It will be asked… and the question is very good for a man.

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