You don’t want to compete, you want to dominate

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I’ve been in sales my whole life and I love it. If you think you are not in sales, you are wrong. We are all in the business of selling our ideas, our thoughts, and our way of doing things to someone else. We’re all trying to get someone to see it our way.

One of the things I like to do as a business leader is encourage myself. Yes, although I’ve been incredibly successful, I don’t live alone in the world and I enjoy hearing what others have to say.

I recently watched a Grant Cardone video. It was great. Motivational and sales videos are often difficult to upload. Cardone’s video is as harsh as it sounds.

The self-fulfilling prophecy

Every day, I work with non-profit organizations. I do this because I care about doing social good. But, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. There is a lot of fear in that sector. Fear of doing something different or failing, which keeps the vast majority of nonprofits locked into a self-fulfilling prophecy. Leaders are too afraid to ask donors for money, lots of money. Leaders are too afraid to try something new, so they stick with the status quo. The leaders are too scared and no one wants to rock the ship. Leaders would rather do anything than fail fast, often, and quickly.

That’s the wrong mindset for the nonprofit sector, and it’s certainly not good for business. By the way, as a reminder, nonprofits are a business.

master space

Success and fortune favor the brave. Cardone speaks of “domination of space.” He talks about not being satisfied with just competing. Competing is a quaint idea. Apple didn’t get to where it is because it was looking to compete. Steve Jobs sought to dominate. Facebook did not become the king of all social networks because it wanted to compete. He sought to dominate all social networks. The best companies seek to be the best. And, the best dominates.

The same is true in the nonprofit space. Nancy Brinker was looking to dominate when she bankrolled Susan G. Komen. She may never have said it, but that’s why Susan G. Koman dominates today. The same is true for the United Way, The Salvation Army, and the Mayo Clinic.

They master by practicing. They master by trying new things, failing, learning and improving. They dominate by never being satisfied with the status quo. dominate seeking to be the best provider of your services-always.

Nonprofits that address poverty shouldn’t just look to help feed someone. While that is noble and charity is important, there must always be a bigger picture. Recently, Ban Ki Moon, the Secretary General of the United Nations said that this generation has what it takes to eradicate poverty. We have all the resources to do it now. Period.

If you have companies and nonprofits like Apple, Facebook, Susan G. Komen, and Tesla looking to dominate their industries, you have visionaries like Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Nancy Brinker, and Elon Musk. He has the vision of leaders who see what the world could not once see, but what it will eventually see. This is how these organizations came to dominate, consistently. They are not looking to compete. They seek to be the best. They expect excellence, hard work, innovation, failure, discipline, and breaking the status quo.

Go big with vision

Have you ever wondered why about 95 percent of nonprofit organizations never have budgets that exceed $1 million? Have you ever wondered why most nonprofits are still living hand-to-hand? Did you ever believe, what can be done if we completely disrupt and innovate?

What can we do if we say that we not only want to feed 1000 families, but we want to eradicate poverty? What can we do if we decide that we not only want children to be educated, but that we want every child to get tea better education possible? Do we want to help shape the minds of the next generation of parents, social activists, presidents, scientists, engineers, businessmen, educators, etc.? What if we said, collectively, that we don’t just want to support those who have cancer? Do we want to eradicate this terrible disease?

Think about it for a moment. And, before you start with all the reasons why something cannot be done, stop. Forget all the reasons why we can’t do something. Visionaries and leaders are actually showing us that we can.

So if you have a non-profit, business or social organization, cut the chains that bind you. Stop with all the reasons why you can’t do something. If there are reasons, then change them. If people get in your way, move them out of the way. Work with them, around them, or through them, but don’t let anything or anyone get in the way of your success.

Go big with vision. Don’t just compete with others out there. Master the space. Someone is going to be the leader in what you do. It is a fact. Why shouldn’t it be you?

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