20 ways to LOSE points in your promotional oral interview

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As a member of the panel, having been part of several oral forums and having worked with hundreds of officers to improve their interview performance, I discovered that there are distinct commonalities that, individually or collectively, can take points away from your performance. qualified. Examine the following list and let it serve as “what not to doduring your oral interview. Your goal is to score as high as possible, but what good is it if you take two steps forward and then make common mistakes that force you to take two steps back, or worse yet… three steps back? Half the battle after earning points in an interview is knowing not to lose them.

1. Lacks energy, interest, or personality; it is physically robotic.

2. The interest in promotion is for the wrong reasons (just money, changing everything, showing others how to do it right, etc.)

3. Offers criticism of existing organizational command staff or competition.

4. Has unusual or inappropriate facial expressions (eye rolling, mouth opening, not looking into the eyes, teeth grinding, etc.)

5. Provides a loose, weak, wet handshake; a sweat-soaked palm; a crushing handshake with a handshake; or a half-hand handshake.

6. Shows uncertainty; inability to make a decision or compromise; or cannot assume the role being evaluated.

7. Gives one sentence or one word answers (topical, cosmetic, no depth).

8. There is no prepared opening statement or closing statement consisting solely of “Thank you for your time.”

9. Having a stone-faced expressionless face that never smiles or smiles for no apparent reason throughout the interview.

10. Dodging the question or providing information that does not answer or is not related to the question.

11. Arrogant, overly aggressive, cocky with a cocky attitude.

12. Inability to communicate clearly: Monotonous; bad diction; bad enunciation; volume too high or too low; Verbal rhythm too fast or too slow.

13. Lack of confidence, composition or balance; He is physically and verbally too nervous.

14. Shows no interest in work-related activities, volunteering, committees, professional associations, training, schooling, clubs, or projects.

15. Overestimates the power and authority of the position for which you are trying out.

16. Makes excuses, rationalizes, or fails to account for unfavorable issues.

17. Lacks flexibility; inability to adapt to a changing scenario.

18. Lack of courtesy, humility and respect: it is rude.

19. Shows inability to assume or understand the role of the position sought.

20. Has an inability to comment decisively on issues of ethics, leadership, or community.

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