Month: September 2021

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Understanding Motivation Through Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

In 1943, the American psychologist Abraham Maslow published an article entitled A theory of human mot

Weight Loss: 5 Tips for Success (For Men Only)

Weight Loss: What works for women does not necessarily work for men. Compared to women, men rarely se

Complete list of must-haves for your dance makeup kit

Dancers Makeup Kit Checklist: The choreographer and / or performance location often determine the loo

How to prevent and treat your Jack Russell dog’s dandruff

Your beloved Jack Russell terrier jumps onto your lap. Then when you start to pet him and scratch him

Are Colorado Ski Resorts Overrated?

Let me start by saying that this is not an article on whether or not there are quality ski resorts in

Does Nutrisystem Really Work?

You have seen the commercials and advertisements with Marie Osmond, much thinner. It looks great, esp

Private jet rental: gaining ground

Danielle Weston had a big problem. The busy Chicago administrative assistant had orders to find a fli

What is Crystal Flush and How Does it Work?

Crystal Flush What Is Crystal Flush? Crystal flush is a popular dietary supplement which you must tak

Student loans: how to get there "Paid out"

In 1969, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross introduced the five stages of grief in her book “On Death and Dy

5 things you need to know about amplifiers

Amplifiers are great as they help you increase the volume of your sound. If you are curious about the