3 Sure Signs Your Man Likes You

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In a world of deceit and betrayal, it is difficult to distinguish between what is true and what is not. You’re not really sure if what people show are real manifestations of their feelings. As a lady, you may not be sure if the man you are dating is just having fun or if he really has a crush on you.

You spend a considerable amount of time talking to your friends and analyzing your man’s behavior. You’ve spent nights just dissecting the actions your man is showing you only to find out the next day that he’s suddenly out of your league, and out of sight.

So how do you know a man is “really into you?” If you’ve seen the movie He Just Doesn’t Like You That Much, then you’ll have a good idea of ​​the sure signs that men aren’t really in love with you. On the contrary, you would have a solid idea of ​​the signs when men are simply toying with you.

Here are some signs that your man is head over heels in love with you:

1. Keeps your phone busy.

When you are not together, your man keeps calling or texting you. He has to know if you’ve already eaten, if you’ve already gone to work, if you’ve already gone home. In a way, he is constantly looking at you. He doesn’t let you wait by the phone. On the contrary, his man also tells him his whereabouts. To the cynical, this gesture from a man may seem cheesy and almost psychotic, but to the hopeless romantic, this is a sure sign that a man is truly in love with her.

2. He asks you about your dreams and goals in life.

A man who is truly in love likes to know what he wants in life and hopes to be instrumental in helping him achieve that goal. He would be more than willing to sacrifice himself for you, just so you can finally realize what you want from life.

A man who is not that excited about your dreams should send you red flags. After all, as Paulo Coelho said in The Alchemist: true love doesn’t stop you from pursuing your personal legend. So ideally, a man should not, in any way, come between you and your dreams.

3. He introduces you to his friends and family.

Rarely do men open their doors to women they are meeting or constantly dating. So when your man starts introducing you to his friends, then you can prance with joy because he is simply telling you that he is more than happy to let you into his “inner circle”.

When your man talks about introducing you to his family, be ecstatic. He is not only interested in you, he is ready to commit to you and marry you. Meeting family is a big deal and if your man puts you in that situation, be prepared to have a serious relationship or get married.

So there you have it ladies: some billboards that scream “love is in the air.”

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