4 easy health and fitness tips to do

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The United States of America has witnessed a huge increase in the number of people considered obese by the medical community.

In fact, many are calling it an obesity epidemic.

To combat this problem, we find all kinds of pharmaceutical companies selling so-called “quick fix” pills, creams and powders that do nothing to help people shed fat and keep it off.

Of course, the same could be said for the diet industry as well. There are so many different diets now that you could choose one a month and in a few years you will still have more to choose from.

What is really needed are some scientifically proven weight loss tips that everyone can implement regardless of their current physical condition.

With that said, let’s dive right in.

# 1 Drink more water.

Americans are generally dehydrated, so their bodies are working in water starvation mode and they are not releasing toxins, minerals, and garbage.

# 2 Eat more often.

I bet you thought I was going to say eat less.

While it is true that to lose weight you have to consume fewer calories than you burn … you need to eat more occasionally so that the metabolic rate is fueled and burned properly.

Get him out of starvation mode. So start the day with breakfast.

Even a small breakfast drink and a low calorie piece of fruit when we walk out the door in the morning.

# 3 Move more. Depending on your physical condition and body type, you need to move more.

Do 15 minutes of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) a day, which increases metabolism and burns fat instantly along with the 2-week diet system.

park further away from the office or store, go for a walk around the block, go dancing, play with your kids

. Make it fun. Running is not the only way to burn more calories.

# 4 Finally, determine your “Why”. Decide why you want to destroy fat.

have your reason big enough to motivate you through the adversities that always occur

Personally, my reason was to be able to live to see my great-grandchildren graduate from college.

My youngest children are now 4 and 6 years old. Plus I wanted to go out and play with them without getting out of breath all the time.

Additional advice on exercise

Always start warming up

Regardless of the type of training you prefer, it is very important that you start each session by warming up your muscles to avoid cramps and exhaustion.

Stretching helps prevent damage to internal muscle tissues and keeps blood flowing. It makes your heart beat to give your blood good oxygen. Just five minutes is all it takes to get your exercise routine off to a good start.

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