5 steps to be more organized in 2017

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It’s not officially the new year yet and I can’t wait to start debugging and organizing. I recently got the “less is more” bug and the clutter has been rapidly disappearing from my home. I want my abode to run like a well-oiled machine, so in 2017, I’m definitely going to be more organized and start with these five steps.

Step 1: Create a cleaning schedule

If you are like me and clean everything lightly and need to have company just to make clean, a schedule is just the trick you need to start January off on the right foot! I keep telling myself to stick to a weekly schedule, so I finally took the time to research it online and found a ton of different plans. Browse through and find one that suits your personality – mine needs to be detailed, yet simple and achievable because cleaning is really the last thing I want to do!

Step 2 – Make a weekly meal plan

A friend of mine has been doing this for years and wears out. Sounds like a lot of extra work to me, but when I think about how much energy and time I waste deciding what’s for dinner each night, planning doesn’t sound so bad anymore! And once you’ve planned your meals, it’s even easier to compile your shopping lists and stay more organized in the kitchen. A weekly menu planner with shopping list is the perfect solution to your meal prep problems.

Step 3 – Dust off your crock pot and store your freezer

If you have hectic afternoons and evenings, a slow cooker can be your real salvation. They free up a lot of your time and by using mostly fresh ingredients cooked at low temperatures for a long period of time, they retain nutrient-rich natural juices from vegetables and meats. Try hearty, hot soups, immune-boosting bone broths, and kid-friendly recipes for Sloppy Joes and teriyaki chicken in your slow cooker—and don’t forget to double batch so there are leftovers to freeze for another day.

Step 4: Reduce the size and remove the clutter

After the holidays, have your family go through toy bins, drawers, and closets. Tell them they need to make room for the new things they received by giving away old items they no longer use willingly. Also, when you remove your Christmas decorations, make a note of what you didn’t put up last year. More than likely you won’t use them again this year either, so add them to the donation bin too.

Step 5: Involve your children more often

I know it’s easier to do things yourself, but keep trying to involve your kids in the housework and cooking whenever you can. Make chore charts and delegate chores at mealtimes. It takes time and persistence, but it’s worth the effort, both for you and for them. Suddenly, you’ll feel liberated when you don’t have to unload the dishwasher for the millionth time or fold laundry and dust the living room alone. Your family will function better as a team, and your children will learn valuable life skills.

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