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How to pronounce ‘e’ in French

As any student of French knows very well, knowing what sound a given letter represents in a particula

Montreal Boat and Water Show – Top 5 Questions at This Year’s Boat Show

The month of January is always the start of the Boat Show season in North America. To kick off the se

The one recipe you should never make with your KitchenAid mixer

A few weeks ago I was researching the KitchenAid stand mixer and came across a blog post from someone

The reasons why family is important in life

Family is the most important and valuable gift that God has given us. It is the first lesson in relat

The humble Nasi Lemak

What are the components of a balanced and nutritious meal? According to health experts, a healthy mea

What does bulimia have to do with acid reflux disease?

Many eating disorders like bulimia can cause significant problems with a person’s digestive sys

toys for your hound

A lot of thought should go into choosing the right toys for your hound. You must first learn about th

When the Central Bank of Ghana cracked the whip amid an unstable sector with too many banks

The Central Bank of Ghana continues in its effort to sanitize the banking sector. In particular, amon

What is a delayed robbery?

In this article I will explain what a delayed theft is. I’ll start by defining what a stolen ba

A change in vision can lead to many changes

Doing the same thing over and over again is pretty boring. Even if it’s something you like, you