CAPAI – Christians against proselytizing among Israel

CAPAI (Christians Against Proselytizing Among Israel) is an organization headed by Moshe-Mordechai van Zuiden. Is there an equivalent organization of Jews against Jewish proselytizing among Christians? I doubt it.

I am opposed to anyone, Jew, Israelite, or Gentile, converting to the counterfeit Christianity of “mainstream Churchism.” Such a popular error misrepresents true Christianity with its Babylonian Mystery Religion masquerading as “Christianity.”

True Christianity, as taught by Herbert W. Armstrong, simply heralds the soon coming Kingdom of God to be established by King Messiah, Yeshua. We are not looking for converts nor do we believe it is our responsibility to “save” the world. If God wants to save the world, he will be saved. There is no competition between God and the devil, contrary to traditional myths.

I encourage Moshe-Mordechai van Zuiden and others to ask Jews not to be hypocrites against “Christian” proselytizing while they remain in self-imposed exile, far from the Jewish homeland, and have the nerve to preach against Jesus in such professing countries. , as I have seen in too many forums. Mind you, these forums I’m referring to were not legitimate Jewish responses to efforts to convert them.

Let faithful Jews not confuse ersatz New York with Eretz Yisrael. Israel needs American Jews and American Jews need Israel! Such a large influx of American Jews into Eretz Yisrael could help end the suicidal peace process and restore Israel to its right mind.

Was it not prophesied that the Jews would return to Israel? Are the Jews ethnic Jews or just converts? How should Israel treat its Arab residents? Why is the world focusing on Jerusalem for all the wrong reasons?

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