Category: Relationship

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Roles and responsibilities of family members

The family is a basic unit of society consisting of the husband, wife and their children. Each of the

3 Super Fun Summer Activities for Kids

Summer is probably the favorite season for most children. School’s out, the sun is out, and all

Bread and Butter Basics – Hair Health with Homeopathy

Nobody wants to lose their hair. Whether as a result of midlife for men, the aftermath of menopause f

Fun board game with the family

Many homes follow the tradition of having a family game night. It’s getting harder and harder t

Everything You Need to Know About Pussy Pumps

Know About Pussy Pumps If you’re looking to improve your sexual experience, pussy pumps may be

For women: tomorrow is not guaranteed: take advantage of today

Would you postpone your tasks from today to tomorrow? Why? Many uncertain circumstances could derail

The Three Major Feng Shui Schools of Thought

The ancient Chinese art of feng shui has been practiced for thousands of years, some say 5,000 years!

5 steps to be more organized in 2017

It’s not officially the new year yet and I can’t wait to start debugging and organizing.

Top 3 Sad and Heartbreaking Japanese Dramas

When I got into Japanese dramas, I found them very entertaining, but each series is so long! Each epi

How to Handle the Awful Twos: Knowing the Signs Your Toddler Is Going Through

The best way to know how to handle a terrible two is to understand the signs, sometime between the ag