Category: Sports

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USEF Hunter Head Judges are answering questions about horsemanship and hunter rounds

The Hunter and Equitation Horse Show judges are speaking. Before your next horse show, step inside th

How to create wealth: what the poor and the middle class do wrong

How to create wealth is not some mysterious unknown secret that is kept from people. It’s actua

Dear Dallas – Thank you for bringing your "rookie" Quarterback to Seattle

A missed 19-yard field goal attempt on fourth down with just 79 seconds remaining brought the Dallas

Hockey greats: three players you should know

Ice hockey is a North American sport that descends from a similar European sport. Like American footb

The secret number of horse racing that can be the key to profit

Is there a secret to making money betting on horses? Can everything be reduced to a single simple num

Thanksgiving: A Feast for the Birds

Thanksgiving. A joyous celebration of the meeting of the Old World with the New World. How exciting i

What is EFT and how does EFT work?

EFT, which stands for Emotional Freedom Technique, was originally perfected by Gary Craig, a Stanford

Why do men stay in a marriage after an affair? I’ll tell you

I often get emails from women who want to know why men come home or back to their wives after an affa

American Football Betting Tip – Do You Know What Separates Winning Bettors From Losers?

Soccer betting is like running a marathon, not a 100 meter dash. Each soccer season lasts an average

Guide to lose weight: 5 prohibitions for cyclists

Whether you’re a newbie to a city bike or a seasoned triathlete on a roadie, these points shoul