eat like a king

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Has everyone heard of the extravagant parties and banquets of the medieval era and the Renaissance period? Right?

Let me take you to the beginning of the Renaissance period, to 16th century England. Let’s say you are a Noble and you have been invited to the King’s Royal Banquet. What would you expect to eat?

His elaborate meals consisted of three, four, five, and sometimes even six courses. In those days, the lifestyle of the “rich and famous” meant an excess of food and entertainment. Hmm, I guess not much has changed today in that regard.

King Henry VIII, for example, ate a wide variety of meats and game animals, such as: roast meats, usually pork or wild boar, veal, venison, lamb, goat, rabbit, poultry, and delicacies such as swan, peacock and the grilled beaver. Cross. Seafood was also popular for the nobles, such as: fresh and saltwater fish, ranging from herring, salmon, eel, whiting, cod, trout and crab, oysters, mussels and cockles. . Only the very rich could buy fresh meat all year round, so the abundance of meat at every meal was a status symbol in society.

It seems that the only foods that Henry and his court did not consume in excess were fresh vegetables and fruits, which were considered the food of the poor. Vegetables made up less than 20 percent of the actual diet. Desserts enjoyed were marzipan (a mixture of almond paste and powdered sugar), pudding and spiced fruitcake to name a few.

All this abundance of food was supplemented by copious amounts of wine and beer.

Little was known at the time about nutrition, so the Noble diet was lacking in items like vitamin C and fiber. This led to a variety of health problems including bad teeth, skin diseases, scurvy, and rickets, to name a few.

Let’s fast forward to modern times, shall we?

Are our eating habits much better than those of the Middle Ages? We tend to eat too much, not eat enough, or not eat the right kinds of food at the right times.

Eating habits can differ drastically between cultures, families, and lifestyles. But, did you know that there is a daily eating habit that has proven to be the healthiest and most beneficial for everyone? In fact, there are times when it is better to eat like a bird and others when it is better to eat like a horse and not gain weight or starve. Sounds interesting?

We’re not going to specifically cover what you should eat in this article, just what proportions are best at what times of the day.

Eat like a king for breakfast

The largest meal of the day should be eaten in the morning. This is when you need the most energy, and your body will burn the calories throughout the day. You need some carbs and protein, and some fat. Your body is most glucose tolerant in the morning, after going more than 12 hours without eating, so you don’t want to eat sugary cereals or too much sugar in your coffee. A healthy breakfast should include carbohydrates to ensure satiety for longer. Whole wheat bread, white meat, eggs, low-fat dairy, vegetables, and fruit are all great choices. Don’t forget the fiber too, like oats, yum!

Eat like a queen at lunch (or a prince)

Lunch should be a smaller serving than breakfast, but nutritionists will tell you to eat a larger lunch than dinner. It is better for your metabolism. Salads with lots of fresh vegetables are a great option. For sandwiches, it’s best to use whole grain or whole grain bread, and avoid French fries or chips. To avoid the urge for fast food, try to bring some leftovers from home. Remember not to eat heavy foods, you don’t want to get caught sleeping on the job after lunch!

Eat like a beggar at dinner

Dinner should be the smallest meal of the day and should consist mostly of protein with some complex carbohydrates, such as vegetables. If you used to cook a big dinner for family and friends, just limit the proportions. Eating a big dinner sits and turns into fat because you are generally less active later in the evening. There are some controversies about this, but my advice is don’t eat less than an hour before bed (especially high calorie foods), or your stomach and thighs won’t forgive you!

This way of eating may seem strange to most of us due to our hectic lifestyle. We barely take the time to eat breakfast in the morning as we rush to work or school. We rarely eat a nutritious lunch as fast food has become the norm. Then in the evening we cook a big dinner for the family or eat out.

The important things to consider for a healthy diet are:

Serving Sizes – waiting to eat could lead to consuming larger portions

Food quality – healthy choices vs. unhealthy

excessive snacks – can lead to excess calories from sweets or fast food options

health concerns – consistent periods of not eating followed by large meals can negatively affect the interaction between blood sugar and insulin and make you more vulnerable to type 2 diabetes

I don’t know about you, but I’m thankful I didn’t live in the days of Henry VIII, rich or poor, his diet and lifestyle were anything but healthy.

Now you can go to sleep poor and wake up rich for a long and healthy life.

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