Edible Art Supplies – Safe, Non-Toxic, and Fun to Use for Toddlers

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You have discovered that your toddler is a budding artist or has a need for artistic self-expression. You want your child to have the opportunity to explore and enjoy the use of various art media, but of course your child still puts everything in his mouth and you wonder how safe conventional non-toxic art materials are.

Well my family and I are in the same boat and we just discovered an amazing line of edible art supplies for kids. Worried that my toddler would eat the chalk or lick the paint off his fingers, I searched until I found the Wee Can Too line of edible art supplies. This collection of crayons, chalk and finger paints is made from certified organic food grade ingredients, making it completely safe to consume. The colors are made from natural powders of fruits and vegetables, such as pumpkin and blueberry, and no artificial colors are used. As a bonus for dairy-free or vegan families, all Wee Can Too products are vegan and dairy-free.

Now, I don’t really let my daughter eat these edible crayons, chalks, and paints, but I have the peace of mind that if I turn my back on her and something gets in her mouth, it won’t hurt. And I constantly remind you that art supplies should not be put in your mouth. I don’t want you to get used to trying and trying once you start using toxic paints in the future. (So ​​no, we don’t know what these products really taste like!)

Regarding the quality of these edible art supplies, we are very satisfied. Crayons and chalk produce nice smooth lines and paints have rich earthy colors. The size of these art supplies is perfect for little hands: the crayons are shaped like little cakes, but they are easy to grip; chalks are wide and can be adapted to various holding positions appropriate for young children; paints come in bottle sets (just add water and keep refrigerated) or tempera powder sets (use only what you need and add water). I like that we can add more water if the paint thickens, and if the crayons get dry we can just rub them with a little olive oil and they will be as good as new again.

We were initially concerned if these edible art supplies would expire since they are all made with food ingredients, but Wee Can Too has assured me that in powder form, the products do not have an expiration date. The same goes for crayons and chalk. Additionally, these fantastic products have won many awards, including Dr. Toy’s Best Green Product Award.

So get your toddlers a robe and let them discover their inner Picasso with these completely safe and non-toxic edible art supplies from Wee Can Too! We love them and we are sure that you will too.

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