Facelift: restoration of youth

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A facelift is a procedure that can restore some of the freshness of youth. When people get older, they tend to look in the mirror and wish they could turn back the clock. While this may not be possible, there are other options. Talking with a plastic surgeon is one of the first steps in giving your skin a clear, wrinkle-free appearance. There are creams, cleansers and other products that claim to be able to give back something that age takes away from you, none of the results will be as dramatic or permanent as having cosmetic surgery.

pulling the skin tighter

Unfortunately, the face is the first place age really starts to show on people. One of the most noticeable characteristics of the back is the sagging of the skin. The only way to change this problem is to undergo a facelift. During the procedure, a cut is made, usually along the hairline, in front of the ears or below the chin. Then the skin is stretched and the excess is removed. Due to the location of the incisions, most of the time the scars are barely noticeable.

The skin can be lifted around the hairline to smooth the forehead, and is sometimes combined with a brow or even eyelid lift procedure. Incisions around the ears usually come from tightening the skin around the cheeks and jowls, and this is often combined with the under-chin incision to tighten the jaw or neck area.

wrinkle removal

Excess skin is one of the reasons wrinkles form. When that skin is removed and the rest is stretched, the wrinkles disappear. Most people talk to their plastic surgeon about having liposuction in the same area as the facelift. This will make the results more noticeable and contribute to a more youthful appearance. If there is a certain area that you want to focus on, be sure to mention it to your plastic surgeon. The operation can involve the entire face or only specific parts.

Other benefits

A facelift is not just about looking younger. During this procedure, it is also possible to change parts of your appearance that you are not satisfied with. If there are facial features you want to change, talk to your doctor about how you can take care of several things at the same time. Remember that for most people, this is a major change. The people around you will notice that you look different and will at least wonder why you look younger and rested.

When you make an appointment with the plastic surgeon, you can find out what type of procedure would be best for you and what it will involve. Right after your facelift, you may be a little concerned about your appearance. The bruising and swelling will subside over time. Every time you look in the mirror, you will notice that you look better and better.

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