Finding the courage to redecorate your home

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“It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.” Quote from – Epictetus, the 1st century Greek philosopher

Courage is daring to be brave and bold while staying at home. Since your home life has changed dramatically, how often do you question your thoughts, your actions, or your motives for doing something different? When you don’t exercise the ability to prove yourself, you may lose not only your confidence, but more importantly, you may lose the ability to make the necessary decisions.

Know yourself and how it affects your family, relatives and friends. Not many people experience life the way they want it to be. As such, if things don’t go your way, don’t look for someone else to blame. Courage is knowing what you want and then figuring out what you need to do to make it happen.

Ask yourself questions about your decorating skills. Then compare your ideas of what you want to change, with what your budget is to make any changes. After all, having a house full of items that give you satisfaction or joy requires that you know yourself and what feels best to you.

If you want to redecorate your home during these times of stress and worry, courage is the most important thing. Now you must learn to deal with the challenges that have now happened through no one’s fault. As you work on this new challenge, find your inner strength. The challenges give you a good tool to redecorate your home with self-confidence and a new sense of self-worth.

You and the house you live in are important. If you want to redecorate, don’t let negative thoughts get in the way of your progress in doing so. There is something within each of us that fuels our motivation, our passion, and our reason to live the best we can. Keep encouraging yourself to take the necessary steps to increase your confidence. That is important. That is what is needed now.

Make a list of what you want to redecorate. Do you need new storage shelves? Do you want to highlight a room by including a set of hanging candle sconces? How about adding a decorative mirror or wall clock? Any number of new home décor items will satisfy your cravings and meet your redecorating challenges. And while you’re in the midst of redecorating, practice peaceful thinking. With a dash of confidence and a good measure of gratitude, then you’ll be working to fill your life with courage. Remember, you are important and everyone else is equally important.

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