Hangover Prevention – Quick Recovery Techniques for Overindulgence

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Do you like to go out and celebrate with a few drinks but just can’t handle the hangover the next day? Almost everyone you meet will have their own hangover cure. My favorite came from a paramedic I used to work with. While in medical school, he studied hard and used to blow off steam by consuming large amounts of alcohol. The problem was that not only did he have to get up early the next day, he also had to be on top of his game. Hangovers just weren’t an option. His response was to set up an IV drip at his bedside before he left and simply insert it when he got home.

Now I definitely don’t recommend anyone try this technique, but what I learned from it is valuable and you and I can adapt it to prevent those painful hangovers.

The first rule is hydration. Alcohol prevents our kidneys from retaining water, which is what causes nausea and dizziness. The IV drip constantly rehydrated my friend’s body. You can achieve this by drinking a glass of water with every glass of alcohol, and then a couple extra glasses at the end of the night. This should help with the headache which is largely due to dehydration.

Next step: Mineral salts and vitamins. My friends IV drip was chock full of goodies. Electrolyte sachets can be purchased without a prescription at any pharmacy. These replace all the essential salts lost when you become dehydrated. Put a little bag in your glass of water at the end of the night and while you sleep it will do all the work for you.

Taking a daily multivitamin that contains B6 will increase the rate at which alcohol is removed from your body and will shorten your recovery time.

Finally: Be careful what you’re drinking! Drink good quality alcohol. The higher the quality, the lower the level of impurities in it. These impurities inflame the body like a virus would. As a general rule of thumb, the clearer the alcohol, such as vodka, the fewer the amount of impurities, which equates to less of a hangover.

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