Here is an effective tip for weight loss: cut down on alcohol consumption

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If you want to have effective weight loss, go easy on alcohol. With over 420 kilojoules in a single drink, alcoholic beverages can add up to the pounds quickly. Here are some effective weight loss tips on how to choose smart drinks

eat before you drink
Drinking on an empty stomach speeds up the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream. Drinking while hungry can also encourage bingeing on salty, fatty snacks like nuts and chips; these only increase your thirst and encourage you to drink more alcohol. So here’s an effective weight loss tip for you, have a proper meal before heading out for a drink, you’re more likely to stay on track…and in charge.

drink before you drink
If you are thirsty, you will swallow more alcoholic beverages than you thought. Drink lots of water before the big night

Space out the alcohol
Alcohol dehydrates you, so drink plenty of water at night. Alternate each alcoholic drink with a non-alcoholic drink.

dilute your drinks
Reduce the alcohol in alcoholic beverages with low-calorie mixers, such as diet cola or diet tonic water, or make a refresher by topping your white wine with soda water. A glass of white wine filled with ice is very refreshing!

stick to your limit
Resolve to have just one drink, two at most, and then switch to non-alcoholic beverages. Watch out for waiters or hosts trying to refill your glass, because this makes it hard to track. Keep reminding yourself that you are trying to lose weight.

fake it
If your friends are pressuring you to drink more than you intended, say in a ‘shouting’ situation, and you’re afraid you’ll be seen as a spoilsport if you refuse, why not fake it? Here’s a great tip for weight loss, order yourself a non-alcoholic drink that looks like the real thing. Who can tell the difference between a gin and tonic and an iced sparkling water with a twist of lime and a swizzle stick?

Nix the ‘nog
Eggs, milk, sugar, brandy… eggnog is not a drink, it’s a dessert, with over 840 kilojoules in a 150 gram serving! If you want to have an effective weight loss, don’t do it and also be careful with cocktails loaded with calories.

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