High efficiency condensing boilers vs. old central heating systems

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Central heating systems have come a long way in the last twenty years, and there are now different systems to suit different houses. Most homes that had central heating installed before 1990 received oversized boilers, because bigger was better than smaller, so people would rather be too hot than too cold. Today, central heating systems can be tailored to run at the right level so no energy is wasted, saving money on energy bills and helping the environment. With advances in thermostats, you can now set the time you want your radiators to turn on and off and adjust your temperature to the degree. Anyone with a pre-1990 central heating system should be told how much more efficient a new system is and the financial and moral benefits it could have.

High efficiency condensing boilers are now commonly installed with new central heating systems because they minimize energy waste. The condensing boilers do not release the steam that is produced when heating the water, while the old boilers would expel it through the chimney. Instead, condensing boilers capture water vapor and convert it back to liquid water, so no energy is lost and less energy needs to be used. There are two types of condensing boilers available, combi and regular, and each has its advantages and disadvantages. Combination condensing boilers heat the water as you use it, so there is no need for a water tank, while regular condensing boilers use a hot water cylinder to heat the water. For this reason, combi condensing boilers are generally smaller and more suitable for smaller homes.

Central heating systems need regular maintenance to keep them running smoothly, and this is not a difficult thing to do yourself. Try to drain the system every year, and the best way to do this is to place a bucket under the drain valve and carefully open it so that dirt and air can escape along with the water. Often people keep their central heating off all summer and then when winter comes they turn it on. This is not good, and you should try to start using the system regularly in the months before you need it every day. This will give you time to check for a problem and fix it before you need to use your central heating during the winter, which is the busiest time of year for plumbers.

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